first midwife appointment?


Well-Known Member
Feb 10, 2010
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Hi girls. I didn't have any of this with my first pregnancy as I had problems early on and was referred to the hospital for early tests so I don't know when you see the midwife for the first time. I saw the doctor yesterday and he has referred me to the midwives, but when do they call you to see them? Do you have to wait until the 12 week mark or do they see you before? I'm only 4 weeks and 4 days going by LMP.
I hve no idea of this either as its all changed in my area since the new year, and I'm going through hospital anywqay due to mc X 2 xx
My advise to everyone now ,is to make a fuss and and push and pester , because I sat back and waited and waited and yesterday morning was told I would get my first midwife appointment on the 23rd of May making me almost 18 weeks . I went nuts and saw midwife at 5 last night. My experience has taught me not to be quiet a passive anymore .
The ideal would be to see doctor 6 - 8 weeks, see midwife 7 - 9 weeks and have dating scan 12 -14 weeks . But it's not that easy here in Essex I'm afraid , hopfully it's better where you are. xx
Hi girls. I didn't have any of this with my first pregnancy as I had problems early on and was referred to the hospital for early tests so I don't know when you see the midwife for the first time. I saw the doctor yesterday and he has referred me to the midwives, but when do they call you to see them? Do you have to wait until the 12 week mark or do they see you before? I'm only 4 weeks and 4 days going by LMP.

I saw my GP at 5w 5d, he referred me to the MW (who are based at my hospital of choice) and I received my booking appoinment [@ 8w] and 12 week scan date within the week.

I have to say my hospital have been amazing thus far... They booked my 16 week appointment at the 8 week appointment and I booked my 20 week scan yesterday after my 12 week scan...

I have never had to wait at any appointment, I am so happy with things so far!!

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I saw doctor at 5 weeks, midwife at 8 weeks, scan is booked for 12 weeks and I just have my 16 week appointment through too.
i registered at docs at 4 weeks rang md seen her at 5 weeks for a mini booking in app and seen her again last week so 7.5 weeks for my booking in app and had an early scan due to previous mc but am getting another one next week due to same reason and im wwaiting on my 12 week scan to come through, its all pretty much same as carnats routine round here very gd xxx
Thanks girls. I still have my mw number from last year so I may give her a call if I don't hear anything soon. I worry because I have rhesus neg blood and my LO was positive blood type. Anxious that I may have a problem. I did have the anti-d but I still am concerned! My dr wasn't very good. I told him I was preg and he says fill out this form for the midwife and that was pretty much all. Didn't say when they would be in touch or anything!
i am also rhesus neg bloods they tell me we only need 1 injection now not 3 woohooo hehe yes no harm in calling them xx
Madness! Why do u all have to see a doctor first?? I just rang my surgery and made an appointment with the midwife for when I was 10 weeks! Then midwife sent referral to hospital for 12 week scan then I rang to make the appointment for that! Why is it so complicated in ur areas??
i didnt need to see a doc never have done just fill form in then i ring mw n it goes from there already had my booking in app x
I just had a call from my mw. I'll be seeing her when I'm 8.5 weeks for booking in and a scan nearer 12 weeks apparently.
When I called the midwife originally I was told she couldn't help til she'd received the referral from my gp , and in turn my scan could only be reffered by the midwife it's way too complex down here I hate rules too. xx
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They should have the same rule everywhere. I thinks its good to see the GP when you find out you are pregnant. He knows your medical history and medications etc that may affect your pregnancy. They should just give you an idea at the appointment what was going to happen. If for example my GP said yesterday that the MW would phone me when she got the referral to arrange an appointment at around 8 weeks, I would feel better as I would know what would be happening. I don't like uncertainty!
It's very annoying that there isn't more consistency or for that matter more clarity about what happens and when. My doctors surgery has signs up saying don't see your doctor, leave your details with the reception and the mw will contact you by the time you are 8-10 weeks which is pretty scary I think for some people who don't have a clue about what to expect etc. I decided to see the doc anyway as I have a problem with migraines and at that point had been suffering with them so I did get that reassurance and told what would happen next but otherwise I'd have felt very lost I think.

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