First Midwife appointment


Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2006
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I just rang and booked my first midwife appointment for two weeks tomorrow and now it all suddenly seems more real! We're not very sure of my dates anything from nearly 6 weeks to 10 weeks so could be as much as 12 weeks at first appointment, waiting for a dating scan which doctor said will be this month so hopefully will know soon whats what is annoying not knowing how far on I am!

What happens at the first appointment?
they ask you questions about family history, try and find babys heartbeat, explain things you can and cant eat/do, answer any questions you have, cant remember what else they do, ive got mine on the 31st jan. good luck
Loads of questions and form filling, check your wee and run through any issues you might have.
Most of them don't listen for a heatbeat at this stage as it is difficult to get - I asked and they wouldn't do it, so don't worry if they don't
Mine was forms, medical history, BP and a chat about a few things. Pretty boring tbh. I was already aware of most of the food stuffs to avoid etc. She asked me what I was eating and said it was good so not to take any extra vitamins, only continue with folic acid.

I was 8 weeks and my MW never listened for heartbeat. Too soon IMO anyways. She did listen at 16 weeks plus for it.

She gave me urine sample bottle and said to bring it in every other appointment and it could be reused :)

Other than that, not much :)

Good luck.
Good luck, you will feel better when you kno whow far on you are,

I have mine on the 23rd...I should have made appointment before New Year, but was really busy with work.
Thanks everyone! Am looking forward to it dont think my OH will be able to get the time off work with me (we work together) so probably have to go on my own but my sounds of it he's not missing too much!
boo soo jealous i'll be 12 +3 before i get to see the MW

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