Finding out the sex at the scan

I found out with both my babys but they got it wrong the first time so i ended up with a son instead of a daughter!!!! I've been told girl again this time but i'm taking it with a pinch of salt. I'm going to have a 4D scan done so they can double check cos i think it's a boy!!!

Love Lisa xxx 22+2
We asked at the 20 week scan but the sonographer couldnt tell, I was determined to find out so we had a 4D scan a few weeks later, which was amazing and id definately have it again for the next baby :D

We found out we were having a boy which I was so pleased about cos we both hoped for a boy first.

Next time we are not sure what to do, whether to find out but not tell anyone so its a suprise, or just not find out at all!!!! Im too impatient though thats my problem :oops:
Asked at 20 week scan but couldn't find out, booked a 4d scan at 24 weeks and found out, at 25 weeks an nhs scan told me she was a girl too.

personally i wanted to keep the sex between me and her dad but he'd told everyone before we even left the clinic.

if me and Dave have one i'll want to find out but i think i'll keep it a secret, between me and him only, our little secret. god i'm broody already!!!
We decided not to find out as we want a surprise, have to admit though its been a bit difficult to buy clothes as there isn't much choice for neutral colours!
we didint find out and didnt want to suprise in the world. Everyone buys you pink/blue things anyway when they visit.

It made no difference whatsoever with bonding, the 'research' saying that it does help is paid for and promoted by the people who offer private scans :shock:

To us if we'd had found out, the only thing to suprise us would have been the weight, as we'd of had the name. nursery, clothes, etc all picked!
I found out the sex :)

Interesting stats though, I thought there would be more team greens than that x
LisaJ1986 said:
Yes i did. Only reason was coz i have 6 nephews and no nieces. A girl would be amazing, and i got one. She's the first for both families. I'll not know again.

Everyone in my family wanted a girl too. My dad has YWELVE grandsons and no grand daughters. I was the last girl in the family to be born...25 yearsago!! But alas we have a wee man!!

We were glad we found out and would next time too.
sparky said:
we didint find out and didnt want to suprise in the world. Everyone buys you pink/blue things anyway when they visit.

It made no difference whatsoever with bonding, the 'research' saying that it does help is paid for and promoted by the people who offer private scans :shock:

To us if we'd had found out, the only thing to suprise us would have been the weight, as we'd of had the name. nursery, clothes, etc all picked!

Same here. I might have been tempted if the hospital had offered to tell us (they don't) but OH would have talked me out of it. Definitely didn't affect the way I bonded with her (before and after birth), that's for sure!
sparky said:
To us if we'd had found out, the only thing to suprise us would have been the weight, as we'd of had the name. nursery, clothes, etc all picked!

I disagree tbh, the exciting part is meeting your baby not the sex or weight or any of that stuff. Even though i knew she was meant to be a girl i didnt even check until someone mentioned it to me as a just didnt care when she was born. I was too excited by her beautiful little face
abcd1234 said:
sparky said:
To us if we'd had found out, the only thing to suprise us would have been the weight, as we'd of had the name. nursery, clothes, etc all picked!

I disagree tbh, the exciting part is meeting your baby not the sex or weight or any of that stuff. Even though i knew she was meant to be a girl i didnt even check until someone mentioned it to me as a just didnt care when she was born. I was too excited by her beautiful little face
I agree! Its not the sex that Im most interested in when they are born either! Plus there is the "was the scan even right?" suprise!
I really felt like I was having a boy! 100% sure in my own head I was having a boy! Im, glad at the scan they told me she is a she as when she would have been born obviously I would be very happy but what about my thinking the whole way through "my little boy" etc? Would I not "miss" my little boy?! If you really dont have an inclination or wont set yourself in one way etc then thats fine but I couldnt! So I had my suprise a few months earlier!
We found out at the scan but have kept it a secret since then (well except on here). I'm really glad we did it this way as I didn't want to be off my head on whatever drugs I may end up having or throwing up or in a load of pain when I found out the sex. In fact it was a really magical moment for both of us. I think I would like to do it this way again next time (if there is a next time :lol: ).
You only get 1 scan here at 12 weeks, so they can't tell you.

I went to baby bond for a gender scan and kept it secret from family and friends until around 7 months. xxx
i had to have two 20-week scans, because on the first melissa was such an awkward bugger she wouldnt show the sonographer her tummy or chest she kept her knees over them and wouldnt budge! i'd drank loadsa full-fat coke to stimulate her to be awake and move but i think i had too much she was wired! lol a little tense ball she was haha.

both scans she was shy and wouldnt show her bits so they werent very sure at all, altho both times said they thought perhaps a girl.

i found out halfway thru 3rd tri that innervision were doing free gender scans so i got one done- this time she had no qualms about displaying her flower in all its glory on the 3d screen! :lol: there was no mistaking it lol thats when we could start buying pink stuff
I was DIEING to know... and had a private scan at 32 wks just to double check lol.

I dotn think I want to find out for the next one though!!
Yes i found out but i wish i didn't as it would have been so much nicer to have OH tell me at the birth.

I won't be finding out next time :)

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