Finding out the sex at the scan


Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2005
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This has probably been done before but I'm curious to see how many people did find out as there seem to be loads who know what their baby is!

Just to add - we didn't find out - didn't ask!
I did last time but i dont want to this time :hug:
Said yes but had to have a privae scan as our local hospital doesnt tell you.
Yes i did. Only reason was coz i have 6 nephews and no nieces. A girl would be amazing, and i got one. She's the first for both families. I'll not know again.
We wanted to find out, but baby was positioned funny and they couldnt tell us! we were so eager to know we booked a private 4D scan for the same day to find out! :D
LisaJ1986 said:
Yes i did. Only reason was coz i have 6 nephews and no nieces. A girl would be amazing, and i got one. She's the first for both families. I'll not know again.

Ooooh thats so lovely! :hug:

I foud out glad i did, it still made it exciting for us, next time im unsure if i will hmmm, nah porobably will cause im impatient like that :lol:
I don't really care what ours is so long as he/she is healthy! :)
However, even if I did want to know they won't tell me and I've been told in the pamphlet not to ask as NHS hospitals north of the border don't tell you anymore. I don't know if it's the same down south but I think it applies accross the board in Scotland so if you are desperate to know you'd have to go private.
We've just hedged our bets and are painting two nursery walls sky blue and the other two a kind of girly pale purpley berry colour (not pink, I don't do pink). :D
We found out. Was way too impatient to wait!!!
We found out :)
Although we wernt convinced as the sonographer was an arse and harshly said 'I think its a girl'
Really didnt enjoy my 20 week scan at all :(
My OH and I found out but told everyone we didnt know, so it made it exciting for everyone else. Prob would like a suprise next time tho.
It'll be interesting to see the results of this. We didn't want to know either but whenever people ask if I know what sex the baby is and I say we didn't ask they always seem to react as if it's a really odd thing to do!

I just love surprises, for me finding out the sex would be like opening my Christmas presents early! It's not that long to wait and so much fun guessing what it might be...
That's what I was thinking!

So many people I know either found out the sex or asked and the sonographer couldn't tell. We didn't want to know as I wanted to keep the surprise to the end but it does seem to be something that's expected - because you can find out you should.

Saying that most pregnant couples have been understanding, it's the ones who aren't pregnant that seem to have the most to say on the subject!
We said yes, and took 2 attempts (in the same hour)...Couldn't tell 1st time so they told me to walk around for 15 mins, drink some water and let some pee go :? it worked and we had a girl!
paul doesnt want to know he wants it to be a surprise, im tempted to find out but I never found out for my last too, it gives you something to look forward to. Got my 20 week scan next weds :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
I found out on all of mine hahaha
I was happy either way as long as babies wer healthy but Im sooooo impatient! I dont know how you ladies do it!? :shock: I tried, till about 14 weeks then had to know :rotfl: :rotfl:
We didn't mind what it was (think DH secretly wanted a boy tho) but we both really wanted to know. Finding out has been brilliant as I feel it has helped me bond with him and I feel I know him so well already. I am far too impatient to wait :wall:
i didnt find out with my 3rd but i have done with the others :)
I kept asking at the 2d scans but she was never in a good position. We booked a 4d scan and found out there. I kept asking at every 2d scan after that the sex (not mentioning it was a girl) and kept being told a girl. It certainly would have been a shock if it turned out I was having a boy! :rotfl: I was desperate to find out whether it was a boy or girl as I am too impatient but I think if I have another baby then I will wait until the birth to be surprised! :)
We decided to wait, it's the best surprise in the world and I'm so glad we waited and are doing so again.

I'm really surprised by the results, I didn't think it would be such a high percentage finding out. :D
We didn't want to know, didn't ask.

We didn't find out with our first either.

I feel a strong bond with my baby regardless of knowing whether it's a boy or girl. For us, we think there are few suprises in live, this is has to be the most special.

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