Finally came to terms with my Cramps not being harmfull


Well-Known Member
Oct 2, 2011
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I'm feeling much better today! My cramps are still there and almost as painful as period cramps but I've been reading up on lots of different sites and just realised that my cramps happen when I stand or sit funny and when I roll over in bed at night and I just found this.

"Throughout your pregnancy the tough, flexible tissues (ligaments) that connect your bones will stretch. When you move around, this may cause mild cramps on one or both sides of your body."

it's always when I roll over to my right hand side that I get cramps at night, almost instantly after changing sides (which is bad because that's the side my OH sleeps on, No cuddling for him!).

How to ease the cramps I don't know though. I would love to have a nice relaxing bath but problem is if the bath isn't very hot I don't enjoy it. The water feels cold to me if its body temp or lower (my mums fault as shes like this too). So I've been avoiding baths and just taking showers as don't want to increase my body temp too much. My sister called me paranoid for this but I don't care she doesn't understand how risky the first trimester can be!

By the way any ones OH seem to not be interested in your pregnancy at this stage? I tried to ask my OH did he want to see a pic of what the baby would look like now and he said No cos your just going to show me a picture of a bean... then refused to look? What's his problem. He wanted this just as much as me. Kinda annoyed with him. His friends came over last night and I told them (with OHs permission) and they were asking me about baby names and all that and he told us to stop? They are guys so it's not just a girl thing. I don't know. I hope he starts to pay attention soon. Bit miffed at him saying I'm moaning all the time when I only mention my breasts are really sore sometimes when they really hurt.

Sorry for the rant! Had to get it off my chest. Anyway any tips to relieve the cramps a tiny bit? Feels like I've had my period for a week and a half now :( (No bleeding though!)

C x
Hey hon, when I was in the initial stages I felt the same as you. I used hot water bottles on my back but wouldn't keep it there too long and I eventually felt reassured when I felt twinges and cramps because I used to think that was baby snuggling in some more.

The first trimester can be nerve racking but it will all be worth it once you see your lil bean at 12 weeks. I don't think we will ever stop really worrying because that's what mums do :) but try and enjoy your pregnancy. I'm loving it now :)

Your OH probably doesn't know how to act at the moment and the easiest thing to do is just avoid whatever it is he is afraid of...even though he wants baby too. My OH was more a less disinterested until the 12 week scan. Once he heard the heartbeat he's become really involved. He won't read books etc but he will indulge me by talking about prams for hours lol

Glad you are feeling better now hon

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That's good to see Chloenat - I'm still getting a bit of cramping, sometimes quite strong, so hopefully liek you say, it's normal...

My DH is a bit too relaxed about it all for my liking, but then he's like that with everything. I think he's secretly a bit scared, so maybe that's hsi was of dealing with it? I'm sure your OH will get more poractive as your pregnancy progresses...

Have a good Sunday honey :) xxx
My OH has said he's happy but has admitted he is refusing to let himself get properly excited about it until I get some sign that all is well (heartbeat) - I feel a bit like this too but.....can't help myself looking at pictures of beans and preg calendars in private! It's a self preservation thing I think. I feel like I'm on a merry-go-round - ups and downs and going round in circles and OH is standing at the side watching! I'm sure he will get carried along for the ride soon! :) In fact, he will have little choice in the matter!
.....I also think there is a huge element of him being totally oblivious as well. I said to him last night "Well, once we know that all is well, we'll have loads of important things to decide and discuss!" He said: "Like what??" LOL!!! d'oh!
By the way any ones OH seem to not be interested in your pregnancy at this stage? I tried to ask my OH did he want to see a pic of what the baby would look like now and he said No cos your just going to show me a picture of a bean... then refused to look? What's his problem.

If it's any consolation, I'm five months bloody gone and my oh still isn't interested!! He's interested in the baby stuff, ie when the baby arrives, but it's like that's a separate baby from the one I'm carrying! He won't touch my bump, he just nods along when I tell him what the baby's doing, and he's even joked that he's not going to be at the birth!!! His mum agrees that he's like one of these fathers from the 50s, and he'll be in the waiting room handing out cigars instead of being with me!! He'll come around eventually, but I would definitely like him to try to bond with the baby more. In fact, I sneak in the room and stand beside him when he's playing guitar and singing, with the hope the baby hears him!!

Men, eh!! xx
To begin with my OH was purposely not interested!!!

We've had so much loss to deal with that he blatantly said to me he couldn't put too much faith in this so early on.

However we saw a HB on on Friday and since then he has changed immensly - even kissing my tummy on Friday :lol:My OH said he couldn't believe how overwhlemed he felt to see this little thing with a strong HB.... He was worse than I was!!

I think it is hard for our OH's because they don't have that immediate connection that we do? As this progresses and you have scans etc your OH will be fine

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I've had stomach cramps a lot some bad some not and I used a hot
Water bottle and it did seem to ease off and keeps peanut nice and snug :) I Mr W has been great as will entertain me when I talk about baby but he did say things don't seem real yet as not much is happening that he can see so until he sees the HB and the scan it will be more real. I think for a man it must be weird because they aren't the ones carrying baby and don't have the feelin pregnant so for them things won't seem real until the scans x
Thanks all,

I'll try the Hot Water Bottle. Hopefully OH starts to be more interested soon. It's making me feel like I'm not pregnant at all because baby talk is banned :/


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