*Final Update pg 4* i can go home :D

thinkin of you hun, hope everything is alright and your are both well. :hug: x
Thanks so much for all of the lovely messages :hug:

The tightenings stopped overnight which is great news but I have lost quite a bit of fluid now. They have brought my scan forward to this morning, should be anytime now.

Our little princess is awake and kicking which makes me feel better :)

I'll update after the scan xx
Oh God I've only just seen this thread :doh:

Andrea, I'm so sorry you've had to go through all this and I really have my fingers crossed for your scan - although it sounds like your little princess is doing just fine at the moment. Have they given you any indication of what might have caused this? I suppose the scan will give you more idea of how much fluid has been lost etc?

Thinking of you hun :hug:
Hope all is ok, only just seen this thread!

At least you know baby is ok - the little tinker! Maybe she is too eager to meet her lovely mummy!

So glad you rang the midwife! Let us know how the scan goes!!!

Lots of :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

Hoping the scan goes well. Sounds like things are improving a bit from what you have said.

:hug: :hug: :hug:
andreaaa said:
Thanks so much for all of the lovely messages :hug:

The tightenings stopped overnight which is great news but I have lost quite a bit of fluid now. They have brought my scan forward to this morning, should be anytime now.

Our little princess is awake and kicking which makes me feel better :)

I'll update after the scan xx
That is good news Andrea
Oh i am so glad the tightening has stopped :)
good luck with the scan :pray: you get to see your little bubba agian :dance:
Wil keep checking online to see if everything is ok
Well i've had the scan and Ellie is doing just fine. There is reduced fluid around her but she has enough to keep her happy and healthy :)

I have to take antibiotics and my temp everyday for the rest of my pg and have bloods done and a scan every week but they are letting me go home :dance:

They have said that I could go into labour at any point but fingers crossed I can hold out until atleast 36 weeks. She did say that before 24 weeks they won't even try to save her, which made me feel awful but I know I can keep her snuggled in way past then :)

Apart from that I won't be able to have a homebirth for obvious reasons and sex is not allowed, but atm I don't care about anything except keeping my little princess safe.

Thanks so much for all your kind words, you really helped me to keep my spirits up :hug:
Awww I'm glad she is okay! Have they told you to stay on bedrest for when you get home? :hug: :hug:
Now Ellie you stay put do you hear me do not move. :shakehead:
you our to behave yourself for your mummy and no more scaring the hebbie geebies out of her.

Take care Andrea put your feet up and allow yourself to be pampered by OH you most defently deserve it
lol Sarah :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Poppy - the doctor didn't mention bed rest at all. Do they normally? I'm going to take it easy obviously but bedrest would be impossible with my two little munchkins :)
yay, im so glad all is ok, been thinking about you all inght lol. no one says you have to have bed rest, just nothing too strenuos etc, and try not to overdo it, thats what i was told.

:hug: glad to have you back x
andreaaa said:
Poppy - the doctor didn't mention bed rest at all. Do they normally? I'm going to take it easy obviously but bedrest would be impossible with my two little munchkins :)

Im sure your little munckins will be wanting to look after Mummy
and will take it easy on you but take easy as much as posible.
How much will your OH be able to help out
Awwww so glad to hear you and LO are doing ok :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

You just take care of the both of you. Don't overdo things for sure, at least make sure you take it easy for a couple of weeks at least. I'm sure your children will be understanding and supportive if you need to do less around the house for a while.

If you want to talk you can find me on MSN or Yahoo to chat. Drop me a PM for my addy's)

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: for you all
Awww hun :hug: :hug:
at least Ellie is ok and you can go home.
And you get more scans!! Yay.
Keep your legs crossed and tell Ellie she can't come out for several weeks yet!!

Look after yourself!

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx :hug:
:cheer: I'm so glad eveything is ok!
I think we've all been thinking about you. :hug: :hug:
Take it easy and I'm sure everything will be fine.xxx

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