*Final Update pg 4* i can go home :D


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
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I have a bit of a problem... I just started leaking fluid (and no... it's not diarrhoea like JP suggested :rotfl: )

I was lying on the sofa chatting to JP and i felt a warm gush. So i went to the toilet and leaked some more :( I then did a weewee so I know it wasnt that, plus it felt different.

It was, in my opinion, too watery to be discharge but I may be wrong... can anyone help me?

ETA: I have heard baby today so I know she if fine :) I'm probably just worrying over nothing
id ring the emergency midwife just to be on the safe side as they can check to see if ur waters have gone or not...bettre to be safe than sorry!!!!
hi hun, did it leave your pants wet? or was it more sticky?

i would keep an eye on it, if it happens again or any more comes out, try giving your m/w a phone, just to be on the safe side :hug:
sarafet said:
hi hun, did it leave your pants wet? or was it more sticky?

i would keep an eye on it, if it happens again or any more comes out, try giving your m/w a phone, just to be on the safe side :hug:

I was wearing a pad but it soaked through.

I feel silly ringing midwife about it as they'll only think i'm wasting their time :(
Hi hon :hug:
Have you tried ringing NHS direct?
I looked up on line but id never want to use that as a refrence.
Post this question in tri3, and ask a mum, as well they may have experianced something like this and give better advice
hope you find out what it was it's good you heard your bubba is ok :)
LOL Sarah :hug:

Ps dont think you would be wasting your midwifes time if you can get ahold of her today then do ring. its her job
get on the phone love
after experiencing the same thing last i was pregnant i rung my midwife and she said to go to the hospital just to be checked over, it turned out part of my waters had gushed. sometimes, like in my case, it was fine to just leave, but if it is over a certain amount, they have to do stuff just to make sure bubs is ok.

I can guarentee that whatever you say to your midwife etc, she wont think yourfussing. your a mum, its our job to fuss and your babys well being is paramount.

like it's already been said, its most prpbably nothing, but if like me, it was warm thin fluid, with a slight cream tinge, then i'd ring / go to local department just to be on the safe side :D

:hug: hope everything fine for you :)
andreaaa said:
sarafet said:
hi hun, did it leave your pants wet? or was it more sticky?

i would keep an eye on it, if it happens again or any more comes out, try giving your m/w a phone, just to be on the safe side :hug:

I was wearing a pad but it soaked through.

I feel silly ringing midwife about it as they'll only think i'm wasting their time :(

no hun you're not wasting their time, that's what they're there for.

please give them a ring because if it is your waters they need to keep an eye on you incase of infection :hug:
I'd phone your midwife of go to the hospital to be checked out. It could be your waters so it's best to go and get checked out :)
Thanks for all your advice :)

I rang NHS Direct who passed me on to the delivery suite.

I've got to keep an eye on it over the next hour and if I leak anymore then I have to go in to be checked.

Thanks so much :hug:
sounds like a plan to me :) it most probably isnt anything, but at least you got peace of mind now rather than thinking about it :)
I am glad you rang Nhs direct
Hope your ok Hon
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Thinking of you :hug: :hug:
Well it happened again so I've had to come in to be checked.

Have to lie down and wait to see if anything "pools" which would then suggest that its my waters.

Will let you know how I get on but I'm sure its nothing t worry about

Thanks for all your replies :hug:
:pray: Sure everything going to be fine, at least they can check it for you. Let us know how you get on hun :hug:
They think it may be my waters leaking so I have to stay in :(

They're starting me on antibiotics tonight and monitoring me then I will have to have a scan on Monday to check the level of fluid around baby.

I'm so scared and I feel guilty that I'm not at home with my LO's :(
Oh honey
i hope the antibiotic work love
fingers crossed for you
:hug: :hug:
Sorry to hear that you have to stay in hun. Try not to worry about your kids, im sure they are well looked after. Think about yourself and bubs for now.x :hug:
Awwww :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

I know its not easy but try not to fret about your kids at home overnight. I'm sure they are well looked after :)

If the hospital want you to stay in overnight it really is the best thing for you and LO in there.

Have some more :hug: :hug: :hug:

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