Ffions birthday

Glad I cheered you up a bit ;)
So what if she doesn't have a huge pile of prezzies to open that will be forgotten about in a week and you have to find room for, she has some lovely outdoor stuff that will last her a good couple of years.

Rhyl Sealife rocks, we love it when we were down there :hug:
Sealife is a fab idea! You on about the one in Rhyl? You saying my daughter had a shitty 1st birthday ;) thats all we did if you remember and tbh thats how I like it atm ...Megans 2nd won't be fussed but Caitlins 3rd I may fuss up more (more than before anyway)! Its about the kids enjoying themselves not how much you spend. x

she still had a huge pile of presents to open though! i was more on about the presents than the sealife centre... :whistle:
You know what, half the people that you see with massive piles of presents, it really is just for the show of it! Half the presents can probably be set up outside ready to play with, but for some reason they see the need to put on a big show of how much they can spend! I know people as well that shower their kids with toys every pay day, but they don't appreciate it! Ffion's going to have an amazing day, shel be so much more chuffed about the fuss she's having made of her!
thanks girls :hug: ive just had a long chat with Wobs on the phone and shes given me a good kick up the arse and talked some sense into me.

we are gonna set ffions outdoor toys up tonight and stick some balloons & banners on them and then shell have a few small presents from others to open. then we will go to the sealife centre and have a bbq in the evening so people can come over and give her their gifts etc.

im gonna go into town in a min to get her a card, balloons and some bits... maybe when ive done all that and set everything up i might feel better!

will post piccies on here for you all to see :)
My neice had piles and piles of presents every year for birthdays and Christmas and she was so ungrateful! Children don't need thousands of pounds spent on them-it was DD's 6th birthday a couple of weeks ago and we spent maybe £100 pounds on presents and £75 on a party (not including party bags). She had a wonderful time and appreciated everything she recieved x x Ffion will have had a wonderful time just spending time with you guys looking at the fish and enjoying feeling extra specially special for the day x x I don't think spending huge amounts of money is indicative of how much enjoyment they'll get out of the day or how much you love them! For DD's 2nd birthday we went to the zoo and I cooked a party dinner and we had a picnic which she loved! x Youre a brilliant mummy and Ffion is very lucky to have you x x
Aw thanks :) I'm back from town now with some balloons and banners, couldnt find anything else for her to open but I just thought forget it she's not gonna care!
:yay: You know she'll just end up whacking the balloons around :lol:
Jacqui just arrived with ffions cake <3 its completely gorgeous, at least if everything else fails the cake is stunning.. she worked so hard on it!


:love: Stunning cake :cloud9: and just look at those cupcakes :love:

Clever lady :D
wow that bday cake is gorgous, any little girl would be over the moon with that, infact I'd love a cake like that for my bday, well done your mate , enjoy your special day wikth Ffion X
:) thanks girls, seriously never expected it to be that big or that pretty! I'm so grateful to jacqui <3
Sealife is a fab idea! You on about the one in Rhyl? You saying my daughter had a shitty 1st birthday ;) thats all we did if you remember and tbh thats how I like it atm ...Megans 2nd won't be fussed but Caitlins 3rd I may fuss up more (more than before anyway)! Its about the kids enjoying themselves not how much you spend. x

she still had a huge pile of presents to open though! i was more on about the presents than the sealife centre... :whistle:
Huge? Haha Nah I stuck them on an angle in a corner! There was nothing behind them also keep in mind my pics had presents from other people (posted and arrived prior her birthday) .... x x

Did you get that pram btw? Was that for her birthday? x
Sealife is a fab idea! You on about the one in Rhyl? You saying my daughter had a shitty 1st birthday ;) thats all we did if you remember and tbh thats how I like it atm ...Megans 2nd won't be fussed but Caitlins 3rd I may fuss up more (more than before anyway)! Its about the kids enjoying themselves not how much you spend. x

she still had a huge pile of presents to open though! i was more on about the presents than the sealife centre... :whistle:
Huge? Haha Nah I stuck them on an angle in a corner! There was nothing behind them also keep in mind my pics had presents from other people (posted and arrived prior her birthday) .... x x

Did you get that pram btw? Was that for her birthday? x

I did get her the pram BUT!!! Rhys broke her other one last month and she was so distrought I gave her the new one :blush:
Pics are ace

And haha you gave in :lol:

Loving the new garden toys x
Cake is gorgeous and those cupcakes are lush Terrie! :love:
Happy 2nd Birthday Ffion x

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