Felt the baby roll :S


Well-Known Member
Oct 2, 2011
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So I ran up the stairs last night and lay in bed flat on my back, when I do this my bump basically dissapears and belly goes all flat, so I was laying there and all I can describe as an immense pushing and roll right above my pubic bone and it went really tight. Went away after a few seconds and then the exact same feeling but the other way.

I don't think my baby was happy with me the way I was lay down and was trying to get comfy. Now I'm paranoid to lay flat on my back incase I'm squishing the poor thing.

However, oddest feeling ever. Felt like my skin was gonna burst open.

Also feeling movements every day now. Lots just after I wake up and then all goes quiet then more around about 4/5pm then more just before bed. Baby seems to have its own little sleep cycle set up already lol.
From my understanding, they do advise that you don't lay on your back for too long from about 16 weeks onwards as the weight of your uterus presses on your aorta which is not good for you. Not sure if it is uncomfortable for baby though. I find if I lay down but in a slightly tilted position bump gets really active and yes, it does feel like rolling!

Its only going to get stronger! so enjoy :-) And its lovely that you are already noticing a pattern to his/ her behavior. Mines going to be on the go all the time if his/her movement is anything to go by!

I thought it would weird me out to be honest but feeling baby move is lovely (even when a little unexpected!)
I try and avoid laying on my back, but I usually find myself waking up like that x
Babies tend to sleep whilst your moving as the moving soothes them and then when your sitting around or going to bed they wake, as if to say hey! keep rocking me! lol i cant wait to feel mine move xxx

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