Think I felt baby move??

Im not sure when i had my son i hardly put any waight on till about 25 weeks then it just piled on.
this time i feel like a whale! i think every pregnancy is difrent, have you put much on?
It's only over the past week that i've really started feeling little bean moving around, last night i was lying on sofa and must have had this really goofy look on my face as OH went, Vicki are you ok, and seemingly i had been sitting for about 15 minutes just staring into space feeling little bean moving around! Love it, love it love it!! :dance: :D
I've been feeling my baby moving around loads over the last week - it feels so weird like little bubbles inside!!! I love it :dance:
Hi Guys

I'm 15 + 1 weeks at the moment and last night I feel asleep on my tummy (haven't done that since I found out I was PG).

A little feeling like fingers fluttering against my tummy woke me up.

I know that 15 weeks is really early, but because I was pressing my uterus because I was sleeping party on my front I wondered if this could have been the baby???

Or am I just going mad!!!
I have felt the odd movement but only about 5 times yet. Still only early fo me yet.
you feel baby earlier when you have had a previous pregnancy
lozzijane said:
you feel baby earlier when you have had a previous pregnancy

Yes hun with the first 2 it was about 20 weeks when i first felt movement and with this one it was at about 16 weeks :dance: xx
Me too, with first it was 22 weeks with 2nd it was about 19 weeks and this one was about 14 feels just like bubbles popping or wind shifting now she thumps out both sides at the same time xxxx
i love the movements i get but i only notice them when im laying down or sitting down...

when will i feel a footballers kick?
My baby kicks really hard now just like a footballer and she's a girl lol! :rotfl: x x x
this morning.. it actually woke me up...

i kept getting kicks on my bladder.. and i was pissed becaz i didnt wanna get outta bed.. to go toilet..

and even after that.. i got about 3 more kicks before s/he finally decided to sleep or change position..

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