Fell useless! I really do!


Well-Known Member
Jan 16, 2008
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I did another pregnany test today, and also an OPK....big nothings on both!

Its been 3 weeks since I had my D&C and lost all my pregnancy symptoms....still no period...

after doing the tests I just felt blinking useless, my body aint pregnant, nor is it ovulating nor is it even having a period! I feel utterly low...and sad.

Paul and I are depserate for a baby, and after our recent loss, its all I wanta do is be PG again!

I know I shouldent be hard on myself, but I just cant help it!
aww hun, your bodys had a big trauma and its going to need some time to heal and get itself back into a cycle.

Maybe on your hols you might be more relaxed.

:hug: :hug: :hug:
Hiya hon,
Im so sorry do you feel you could bare with it another week maybe? Just wait and see what happens and hopefully either a period of even a BFP may come up?

Give it time it will deffo happen for you...

Hi Liana

Hopefully you'll be ovulating soon. I've been doing OPK tests since 6/2 and I think I'm finally ovulating today so you may be very soon. It just takes a while for our bodies to get back to normal. I was beginning to get worried and was even thinking of acupuncture and I HATE needles!

There'll be no BFP for us this month, hubby hasn't been well so trying to be understanding and not shout at him for not performing :)

Hopefully you've ov soon and get your BFP soon after :hug: :hug:
Still no ovulation for me.....

I am glad that your body is getting back to normal hun...and hope hubby gets back in action so to speak this month!

I am hoping my holiday will make all the diffrence to me!

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