Feelings of jealousy

Loveandpeace January isn't that long at all, but scary how (I'm guessing) it already feels like forever? I'm actually 7 weeks, still doesn't feel real. Defo take the aspirin, and I also know a few women who swear acupuncture got them pregnant!
Ugh at the comments, I just don't ever mention it now to any woman I chat to, you just don't know their story do you. When I was TTC with my first my nan used to drive me insane constantly asking. Took all my willpower to not shout at her to keep her f*cking nose out!! Xx
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Congratulations Deedee!! How long did it take you?

Lol yes it actually does feel like forever! I am seeing it all as a learning curve though and I'm not getting TOO impatient - yet! I forgot about the aspirin this morning but I'll take it when I get home.

I did read somewhere that acupuncture helped, as well as reflexology.

One of my grandmothers has no filter at all and keeps harping on to me everytime I see her about having children.When her or anyone ask me about it, I think its quite rude actually as for all they know we either may not want kids or aren't able to!x
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Ugh definitely, just really winds me up! My nan kept saying, when when when? Just shut up!! Or I got...It's you next!! Whatever!

I don't want to seem really insensitive, especially on this thread but this pregnancy didn't take long at all. My first took 5 months- again, not long but I felt absolutely obsessed and used to get really upset when my period arrived. The month I did the aspirin was the month I caught on. Defo get it down the hatch!! Xxx
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You're not insensitive at all, some are more fortunate than others time-wise!

I'll certainly be checking my aspirin supply when I get home lol.xx
Yes! Do it. I remember the month I did it my skin looked loads better too! Where are you in your cycle? Keeping my fingers crossed for you xxx
I took a quarter of a 300mg aspirin this morning! I've broken them all up for the next week or so. If it helps your skin then thats a bonus too :-)

I am CD15 so should be in my fertile period, although my cycles are fairly long (ranging between 35-38 days) so I 'think' my ovulation is later. However this is my first month using OPKS, Im going to try one tonight for the first time and see. Im such a novice at them lol.

It will be difficult to DTD in the next few days as I am working a 12 hour shift today then we have friends visiting tomorrow for the whole weekend so I'll have to fit it in somewhere lol x
I took a quarter of a 300mg aspirin this morning! I've broken them all up for the next week or so. If it helps your skin then thats a bonus too :-)

I am CD15 so should be in my fertile period, although my cycles are fairly long (ranging between 35-38 days) so I 'think' my ovulation is later. However this is my first month using OPKS, Im going to try one tonight for the first time and see. Im such a novice at them lol.

It will be difficult to DTD in the next few days as I am working a 12 hour shift today then we have friends visiting tomorrow for the whole weekend so I'll have to fit it in somewhere lol x

I just started taking 75mg aspirin yesterday night after reading up on the benefits of taking them while trying to conceive. Went into Sainsburys after work and got some from the pharmacy section - hopefully they help my skin too! I never realised they did wonders for your skin as well as helped you to conceive.

I am sure you and the OH can find a few spare moments to fit in DTD!! Even if you have to sneak off to the bedroom while your friends are around pmsl!!

Yay!! Glad I spread the word and you all got some. I think they're amazing, defo helped me and a few ladies I know. Think they might be more effective taken cd1 but defo won't do any harm taking mid cycle. Here's to babies soon, and ace skin! Ha xx
I do understand your feeling, girl. We all get jealous because of something, especially when others achieve what we also want and desire so easily. At least you know that you try your best...don't push yourself too hard! A psychic I know used to say: "It's the baby choosing his time to meet his parents."

So don't be upset or depressed, your new cycle will begin soon.
Ah right now its so hard for me as I have about 7 pregnant friends and then even more that are friends of friends...I just wonder when will it be our turn !
Ive got to potentially put of the baby making for two months, in the lead Up to and following a colposcopy :( in the meantime I'm told my brother in law and his wife are trying in June/July.. They got pregnant straight away with their first. I'm already devestated at the thought of them being pregnant before us. I hate all this :(
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That sucks Carly :-(. Hopefully you can still TTC & get your BFN soon.
Im pretty sure I had IB last Thursday and been having weird symptoms this past week or so. AF due at the weekend but I did a FR test there now and BFN :-(. Hoping AF doesnt come & I can test again......just feel like crying now.xx
That sucks Carly :-(. Hopefully you can still TTC & get your BFN soon.
Im pretty sure I had IB last Thursday and been having weird symptoms this past week or so. AF due at the weekend but I did a FR test there now and BFN :-(. Hoping AF doesnt come & I can test again......just feel like crying now.xx

Feel your pain Chuck, I was 4 days late this month, weird symptoms the lot. Mind is so cruel. Hope you get your BFP :dust:
Sorry Carly I meant BFP!! Its just all so draining when you want something so much and it appears to come easily to others xx
It's sooo frustrating isn't it?! I've deleted Facebook as I'm sick of seeing baby scans, Mother's Day my cousin announced she was 13 weeks pregnant and just now my auntie has just text me to tell me my younger cousin is pregnant! It's annoying as she still lives at home and her fella lives with his parents and they are out boozing most nights and there's us our own place healthy eating no alcohol and no baby Now I'm the only one in the family to not have children and I'm constantly asked when is it going to be my turn?! I just wana bitch slap them!! I know I sound such a horrible person but I really hate them right now and find it so so hard been around them pretending to be excited for them when all I feel is hurt angry jealousy every emotion going if I'm honest! Sorry for the rant just you girls know how it feels xx
I have been tempted to delete Facebook as well. You're not a horrible person, it's only natural to feel envious.x
Dont delete Facebook, just unfollow people so you dont see their baby updates. They wont know that way. Also, you'll want fb so you can post when you get your BFP :)
I unfollowed loads of people when i was ttc my first xxx

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I have been away form here for so long I have missed lots of posts! A friend has just updated me that she is having her 2nd daughter

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