Feeling very paranoid!


Well-Known Member
May 15, 2012
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I am about 6 weeks along, & have noticed that my boobs have been a little less sore over the last two days (from being agonising sicne before my missed period), & I am feeling very paranoid about it! I think I am worrying that it means something has gone wrong. Sometimes, I donlt even feel particularly pregnant. I get a lot of dizziness, & have had some upset tummy, but no sickness. I almost want to feel more ill, just so that I know I am still pregnant!

Anyone else finding it hard to relax, when sometimes you don't have any real indication that you are pregnant? At the moment, it is a waiting game, until the first scan, to know everything is alright, & then ultimately, to be a ble to feel a baby moving aorund to reassure me that they are doing okay in there!

I'm not normally a worrier, but I have a number of friends that have lost pregnancies early on, & I guess it just plays on my mind.

Feels good to get that off my chest! :)
I had virtually no symptoms (and I have a history of early miscarriage!!) which freaked me out!

I managed to get through it all by keeping calm, taking each day at a time and booking an early scan to put my mind at rest!

You'll be fine hun, it is quite rare to have a miscarriage and not have any signs.

How do you get an early scan, do you just request it from the gp? I am going on Thursday, so will tell them my worries, & hopefully they can put my mind at rest a bit. :)
I'm exactly the same just dont feel pregnant think it's just not sunk in maybe? Just think all we have is that positive stick and that's it to tell us we're pregnant!! Lol my boobs are sore and getting cramps that's it! Be fine Hun x
How do you get an early scan, do you just request it from the gp? I am going on Thursday, so will tell them my worries, & hopefully they can put my mind at rest a bit. :)

I had an early scan with the NHS due to my history, you'll have to book one privately though. It's worth every penny (we had a second scan that we booked privately!)

Thanks, I may look into that. It seems a long time to wait, otherwise, for a bit reassurance! :)
i wouldnt worry about it i had 2 mmcs first one i had no symptoms at all and second one i had very strong preg symptoms from day 1 and only started to lose them once i had the second scan at almost 10 weeks appart from that and seeing a heartbeat at first scan i had no worries realy,if u are worried booking an early scan at around 7 weeks will ease ur mind xxx
Op I feel the same. Don't feel pregnant at all and I'm just over 5 wks. Boobs r slightly sore, but nothing else.

I'm just trying to relax and think what will be will be.
I booked a private scan as nat suggested. It was £100 and I had it at 8 weeks and saw the heartbeat and its given me the reassurance to get to 10 weeks without manic king too much, although stomach in knots for my dating scan today after my mmc last year. I found the first scan worth every penny! Several girls here have had minimal symptoms though, and and they do come and go! Everything crossed for a sticky bean for you though! x

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