feeling strangely well


Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2010
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So I am 6 weeks tomorrow and although I feel waves of nausea and I have backache I feel pretty good! Hipefully it is because I have a little strong babba :)
Sometimes I worry that I feel too good and something is wrong but I try and put it to back of my mind! I guess I should be thankful that I feel well cos who knows what the future weeks hold x
yes enjoy it while u can babes!! my sickness didnt start on LO until 7-8 weeks
my friend is due in August and shes never had morning sickness!!
some people are soooo lucky hehe!! xxxxxx
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i only had a few days of proper sickness with this pregnancy where as with my previous two i was sick from about weeks 8-16.
Maybe you are one of the lucky ones who doesn't get sick
I just want everything to go smoothly so I get my longed for babba at the end!
Hey mrsmc, I was 6 weeks yesterday and woke up worried this morning because I'm feeling ok!!! Cramping seems to have more or less gone the last few days, spotting has stopped And I dont seem to be peeing every 10 minutes! Hopefully it's a 6 weeks thing!! Xx its mad, We worry when we feel bad then worry when we feel well!!
My sickness didn't start till 8 weeks or so x up until then I really through I'd gotten away with it!! Xx lol
apart from sore boobs, tiredness and a couple of dizzy spells, i've had nothing, i'm counting my blessings...i'm sure everythoong is fine hun x x x x
hello hunny, up until the beginning of week 6 i felt great!! so don't speak to soon ;) i hope you stay feeling great but this week i've been sick once and had loads of nausea, also boobs are much more painful - glad to hear you are feeling so well, i think feeling well is a great sign xxx
Enjoy it whilst it lasts.
I didn't get sickness until 8 weeks.
I haven't been sick yet but I do feel sick pretty much every second :( It's horrible. We went out to a beach today with the dogs and I felt so sick on the way there. It's about an hour away. I think I'm going to ask doctors for some motion sickness tablets as I really think the journey was the culprit for me feeling terribly sick.

Yeh it's the car that makes me feel sick, thankfully I don't as soon as car stops moving :)
Yeh it's the car that makes me feel sick, thankfully I don't as soon as car stops moving :)

I was exactly the same, I didn't know I was pregnant until 7 weeks and couldn't work out why I was feeling sick on train and car trips. If it was over an hour away I was terrible. Hope it's a good sign for you xxx


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