

Well-Known Member
Sep 26, 2010
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Hello ladies..

I was actually sick last night....proper sneaked up on me too. I have been getting waves of nausea..but only if i let myself get too hungry or when i am tired.

I feel much better today, but maybe thats cos i have grazed all day and had a good meal tonight..

but of course i am worrying 'why dont i feel sick'

has anyone else noticed some days they feel okay and then other days symptoms seem to be more noticeable?

I have still got very tender boobies and very bloated with trapped wind!!

Hey hun, have read in other threads that the sickness/nausea can come and go. Try not to stress. xx
i am waiting for the sickness, i did the stupid thing of googling ''no morning sickness'' argh wikipedia says women who dont get much sickness are more likely to miscarry or have birth! total crap and unfounded but not nice to read, I think I just feel sick from the worry I need to chill out. My boobies are kiiilllliiinngggg me and have been for 3 weeks now and also I am so tired all the time, i fall asleep on the train home every day I never used to do that so I have other symptoms. My mum said she had no sickness at all with me and I was over 10lb trapped wind...I have never had anything like it it is horrendous hehe we will be ok :-)
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my mum had no sickness or symptoms at all with me or my take no notice of wiki :)

Hi Girls, I am a midwife and thought I would reassure you both that morning sickness only affects 75% of women, so you are probably in the LUCKY 25% :) enjoy it!!! xxx
thanks wannabmummy, google sucks why do I do it haha. :-)
Had it, Lost it, Now got it back and its awful, I do find grazing helps but cant face a lot of food gonna try get a cup of peppermint tea into me n see cos the ginger nuts r startin to make me wanna gag, I tride the eating some the minute I work up trick and I was the sickest iv been so far so not for me

Does anyone else find there so so thirsy but thoughts of drinking anything make ya wanna gag? For some reason the only food I can stomach is junk food like chipper and pizza, Normaly I cook a propper dinner everything n have take away once r twice a month so bit odd and so not good for me or bubba
i have just polished off a dominoes so loving the junk food, all i can bear to drink is water. Not due to nausea but I just dont fancy anything else and gone right off any hot drink too. I love tea aswell :-(
Oh so glad im not the only one craving junk food was getting worried i was gonna give birth to a couch potato hehehe I cant even stomach water today and im gasping with thirst

Its getting so hard hiding all this from work how are the rest of use managing on that front?
i told work to take the stress off, i know it is early but i am entitled to maternity no matter how long I hve been there ( by law ) might have been a mistake but it is one less thing for me to worry about. They are cool about it though, luckily lol.
Some don't feel sick, and yayyy for that.

Some ladies get sickness early, and some get nasea only and then feel more sick once they hit 8 weeks ish.
(I was one of those that felt more sick after week 8).

I found that I was far better if I really kept something in my tum all the time, make lots of healthy snacks and nibble constantly! Once I felt hungry it was too late the nasea set in right after then
I was feeling sick and it peaked at 10 weeks but if i was feeling better I was worried something wasnt right! Nibbling and making sure your stomack isnt empty does help, ginger tea helped me too
i agree with the keeping something in tummy at all times...i have done that today and i think thats why i feel okay...yesterday, i didnt have a proper tea and went shopping, came home and threw up! then felt so ill i couldnt eat...

lesson to be learned....xx

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