Feeling so sad and empty today


Well-Known Member
Nov 18, 2009
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Friday should have been our 12 week scan. Ive seen lots of posts pop up from tri 1 from ladies who have had theirs or have them coming up, and although im so happy for them that all is well, i just feel so sad and empty xxx

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i cant look at scan photos :( i just remember my little squashed up dead little girl...

i know that i will get over the rest of it, that when i hold my new baby i will feel a bit more whole... but i dont think i will ever be able to look at a scan picture with joy again :(

Massive Hugs :hug:
I totally understand why you cant fi, id be like that forever. It haunts me every night seeing an empty sac when i thought id been growing a baby in there.

Your new baby will heal some of the wounds left behind and i know youll never forget your little girl. I hope and pray this will be a happy healthy pregnancy for you!

Thank you for the hugs, muchos needed xxx

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sucks doesnt it, i was supposed to go for a scan on thursday about a cyst on my ovary but I think i am going to cancel, 1 because thy wont be able to do anything about it now anyway and 2 because the thought of going in, and seeing them scan me is not something i can handle right now.
No you do right, id cancel it too!If its not necessary then dont do it xzx

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:hug: Hun, I'm still tracking where I should be, never even got to see my 12 wk scan : hug: xxx
Hugs huni xxx

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Oh Nat - you poor thing!

I've never managed to get as far as 12 weeks so I cannot imagine how hard it must be...

All I can say is that we are stronger than we know and we do get through these things.

Why not plan something nice for Friday? Something you enjoy and that will take your mind off things a little

:hugs: you will have days like that hunny, all my tri1 buddies are moving to tri3 now and i get so sad ( but happy dfor them ) :hugs: itshard isnt it hunny, i hope ur doing ok

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