I so dont want tomorrow to happen!!


Well-Known Member
Nov 18, 2009
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Rescan at 9am!I feel so low today and i dont know what faces me tomorrow!I dont think my perio was abywhere near heavy enough to get rid of the thick wall lining or any bits that are still in there!I cant face it if my bodys failed again :( xxx
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Sorry your going throu this hun...hope everything goes ok today x
Good luck for today, I really hope it's all clear for u. Ur experience sounds so much like mine was, but I had a d&c done, I hope this isn't the case for u :hugs: xx
Oh Nat - you poor thing!

I hope that your body had righted itself BUT if it hasn't at least you will know and can be treated accordingly?

I am so sorry that on top of a m/c you are having to go through this as well

Following my scan today they told me my womb was clear and that my lining had gone down to 12mm which was acceptable!But they told me my right ovary was covered in small cysts and they couldnt see my left ovary due to bowl gas lol!Im not overly concerned atm about the cysts xxx

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So glad u got the all clear Hun, now u can move past this without a constant reminder :hugs: xx
Good it's all clear... I had mine last week to confirm that it was all clear!! I was to see it all gone, a part of me was glad that I didn't have to wait longer to try again...I've already lost 3 months due to this! I should have been over 10 weeks now! Look after yourself xx
Glad its clear hun, yeah don't worry about cysts, mine care covered in them and the docs don't seem bothered! hope you have a nice chilled weekend :hug:
Following my scan today they told me my womb was clear and that my lining had gone down to 12mm which was acceptable!But they told me my right ovary was covered in small cysts and they couldnt see my left ovary due to bowl gas lol!Im not overly concerned atm about the cysts xxx

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Thank God hun - finally you can begin to move on from the physical side of your loss?

12mm is fine - that was my thcikness last scan :shock:

Also I have been told I had a cyst (which was fine as I'd just ov'd)

Glad you have some closure on this part of the ordeal - I hate the word closure by the way but you know what I mean

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Thank you ladies :-) I finally feel content, in want of a better word!I just have to get wednesday out the way now and ttc can really start!I just want to say thank you all so much for your support over the last few weeks xxx

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