Feeling positive!!


Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2010
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So today I had my follicle tracking scan, as I thought I did ovulate at the weekend :dance: she showed me where the egg had been released on the screen, she said I would need to have my 21 bloods done to confirm this but its all looking good.

We then had a meeting to discuss what happens next for me, depending on the results of my blood test that will determine when I get booked in for my next treatment.

I am to have a laparoscopy which she said will be done under a general and while they are doing that they will also check my tubes and do ovarian drilling.

I am to have the treatment even if I did ovulate as she said it could be a one off but wants me to have another 2 or 3 goes at the same clomid dosage to see if it works.

Feeling very positive about things again, these next two weeks are going to be very long .... I just hope that there is good news at the end of it!!!

Ahh wow this is gonna be a big 2WW Hun! :shock:

I'm so pleased for you and I really really hope you get your BFP!! :)

Lot's and lot's of luck for you Hunny!





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good luck hunny, i reckon ul get ur bfp but glad to know that something will be done if you dont'.


I know what you mean Pos, even if it doesnt work then I know I still have the surgery to be positive about so it will soften the blow a little if its a BFN!!

Maybe - yup I think out of all my cycles this is the biggest one for me so far, I keep rubbbing my tummy and telling my egg and DH's sperm to make magic happen lol
Thats brilliant vicky! sounds like you've got it all covered, although i hope you dont need the surgery and get a BFP instead, it only takes a one off OV to get it, eeeek so exciting, 2ww good luck.xxx

Oh Vicky thats good news! Hope you don't need the surgery!!
Good Luck Vicky, really hope this is it for you. xxx
Thats fantastic news hun. Got everything crossed for your BFP xxxx
Thanks for all your lovely messages, it really means a lot to me xxxxxxxx
Oh Vicky, I'm so happy to hear that!! I really hope you get your bfp soon! I'm sending you positive vibes!!!

21 Progesterone blood test results ......... 100.2 :shock::shock::shock::shock:

2 days till the witch is due ... :pray:
NOOOOOOOOOOOO Nurse stop it!!!!! lol

I refuse to test! I only have two more days to go so will wait it out!!!
I SWEAR ON MY LIFE YOU WILL BE PREGGERS!!! I SWEAR!!! EEEEEKKKK!!! :pompom::pompom::pompom::pompom::pompom::pompom:


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