Feeling miserable


Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2011
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Anyone else feel really down after having a premmie? He's doing great and we have him home so I should be thankful I have a healthy little boy but I can't shake this feeling :(
Hi. I haven't had a premie, but didn't want to read and run. I have heard that it's natural for you to feel down - there could be various reasons for it - one very simply being, you had a premature baby. You had this picture in your mind (as we all do) of the full 9 months, for e.g at 5 months pg you planned to finish the nursery, @ 8 months you would have your hospital bag ready, these are the clothes your baby would wear first coming home etc.. etc.. I read that in a way, something has been "taken" from you. Do you know what I mean? No matter what your feelings are - they are YOUR feelings and you have every right to them. Hopefully someone else will reply soon that has also had a premie and can support you more. Big hug. xxx
It's totally normal to feel like that. I had my son at 27 weeks and he was in the scbu for quite a while I was there all day every day but managed to keep busy buying and getting ready for him coming home as I basically had nothing. The time will go by quickly as you see him getting stronger and developing well. As soon as my lad was a decent weight (about 5lb) and fully taking milk on his own he was allowed home :) keep ur chin up xx

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