Feeling like a massive let down :(

Oh and I had a nursery nurse teach us tummy massage yesterday and we've tried it. She seems to cry every time we do it tho! I thought they were meant to enjoy it but it def got some wind out! X
lol they dont always enjoy whats good for them. alyssa hates baths but is getting better with them and each lo is different but even ff ones some go 2 hrs some go 4. alyssa was bf for the first 7 days and went 4-6 hrs between feeds so i had to start giving her formula as well to wake her up lol. shes only ever taken 5oz max and used to take 3 at first.
I just feel awful cos she seems to be in pain whenever she's awake. She feeds, then seems all happy but then starts screaming. I just feel like her little life is so unhappy all the time. She had her first bath yesterday and loved it and we just did tummy massage and she seemed to enjoy it this time!
My mum keeps saying to me put her on the formula, you and your sister used to drink it then fall straight back to sleep. I think we must have been exceptional babies!!!
Thanks for your help xx
Oh hun dont beat yourself up. Have you tried infacol or similar? Or excluding dairy from your diet for a bit?

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You certainly shouldnt feel like a failure but unfortunately.formula.might not be an answer if its colic, hope masage, warm.baths and infacol helps but sometimes they just have to grow out of it. If she ia pulling her legs up,.then its most likely the wind.

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Well done for getting this far... Plenty would have given up well before Xxx :flower:

Don't feel bad. Every little helps and you have to do what is right for you and LO x

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My little boy was every 2 hours at first. Hes 4 weeks and only past 3 nights is he managing 3 and a half. So whoever said formula makes them sleep longer is lying! A baby feeds whenever. My boy was up every hour and half at one point!
Try a nice bath, that helps there wee tums.
My boy hates swaddling, loves his arms out. But have found he loves wrapped up in a big knitted shawl. Not too tight.
I think it's really just trial and error. You need to find what your baby likes...xxx
formula fed babies get colic too, im afraid its just a stage they go thru. theyre not unhappy or in pain all the time doll it just feels like its all the time, it will get better just persevere with the baths and massage, infacol and i used gripe water too if she was screaming bad. it was all solved by about 10 weeks here but it seems like all babies go thru it to some degree
I've found Toby gets trapped wind quite badly. I think I've got it all out when actually I haven't. The best winding position for us is with him up over my shoulder with my shoulder pressing into his tummy. I keep going for what seems like forever and eventually it does come. He also seems to settle down in this position.

I completely understand how you feel. It's only last night that Toby managed three hours. Sooo tired.

Toby also cries ALOT which is tricky as it makes having visitors difficult or taking him anywhere when all I actually want to do is show him off xxx

they tend to sleep better on walks in the pram during the day so if you can try to take them for a lil wander around. the fresh air is good for you both :) and it feels great to get out, dont worry about if they cry while out as it happens to us all.
they tend to sleep better on walks in the pram during the day so if you can try to take them for a lil wander around. the fresh air is good for you both :) and it feels great to get out, dont worry about if they cry while out as it happens to us all.

Totally agree!! My boy loves walks in his pram. Always gets him to sleep, and if he's awake he doesn't cry he's too busy being nosey. I try get him a walk a day.
And sometimes when he's overtired he doesn't sleep well, so a wee spin in his pram or car sends him off x
She gets out everyday as we walk our dogs. Believe you me we tried everything. We have a new development which I'm starting a new thread for :)
I discovered a brilliant website yesterday called breastfeeding basics. I googled increasing milk supply and it came up with an article on this site. It made everything make sense. I thought I didn't have enough milk, but turns out its normal for them to demand so many feeds. Still flippin hard work though and I top up with formula sometimes, maybe one feed each day.

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