Feeling Down


Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2011
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There's nothing really wrong I just feel really down today and thought I'd have a quick rant on here.

My OH has been away this week on a boys fishing trip and is back tomorrow evening. He goes every year, normally around May, but they brought the trip forward this year because of the baby. I don't mind him going, but I got really fed up today and what topped it off was speaking with him and hearing how relaxed and stress free he is.

We own our own business so things are very hectic and I have been running things single handed, plus looking after our 2 dogs and making sure they have a decent walk everyday, plus sorting out the house ready for the baby and to be honest I'm exhausted. I know I've had a very good pregnancy and I'm not an invalid but it would be really nice if he just realised I could do with slowing down and having some stress free time. At the moment I can see me on the bloody laptop giving birth at the same time! We agreed I would start taking a back seat and slowing down but the opposite seems to be happening and I'm really worried it will continue when I have the baby.

No one in my family is really helping as they are continually telling me I should be slowing down and rest and then ask upteen favours meaning I have to run around like a headless chicken, I really am getting fed up.

After the dog walk today I just sat in my car and cried.

Ok rant over, had better start thinking about some tea xxx
awww try and take some time out for yourself x
I can relate to this!! I know hormones make everything seem worse than it actually is but I'm feeling similar today and could just cry. I'm babysitting my three younger cousins tonight 10, 12 and 15 and even though they're well behaved I wish Id never said I'd do it. Husband has been working loads this week so haven't seen much of him and after finishing work today at 4pm he went to the pub for 'a couple'. Said he'd be home at 7. Our dog needs walked again and I already broke my back doing it this morning. I just feel really fed up too. It's a long weekend and I've spent my first day of it trying to do house work but in agony and frustrated at doing it.

Have a good cry, clear your system!! And have a relaxing night. Hopefully this will be the last of your husband leaving you with all the pressure before baby comes.

Mine won't even answer his phone now. Guess I'll maybe see him at 1am or something ...... Arsehole.
Oh no taffy I'm sorry your having a down day honey ! Sounds justified though. Sometimes i get so tired I feel like crying and a few times I have. Maybe your going to have to start putting your foot down and saying no to family favours etc.

Hope you feel a bit happier tomorrow. Get your feet up and spoil yourself with something yummy.

Big hugs. X
Aww hunny :hugs: I know what u mean about feeling the need to slow down, but not being given the chance. My work expect me to do my job to the same speed as normal, and as a cleaner, I am struggling to run around at my normal pace. Plus the fact I am the supervisor and they are dumping more and more jobs on me daily!! Hello I'm only at work for 4 more weeks, surely they need to start thinking of my replacement soon!! It has got so bad at work I an moving my maternity leave forward by 2 weeks, because I know it's the only way I will getting some chance of slowing down. But I bet I will still get phone calls from them whilst on leave :shock:

Hope u have managed to have a chilled out evening and found something yummy to eat :) xxx
awwww hunni order in some food so you dont have to cook and worry about all the mess, have a relaxing bath and then chill/relax and have a night watching tv or an early night x x x just take care of yourself x x x
Thanks girls, you always make me feel better and thankfully I do feel happier today. I'm finding that by the end of the week I'm tired and emotional and I know I need to take more time for me. Just gonna have to put my foot down me thinks! Hope you're all having a lovely weekend xxx

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