Starting to get uncomfortable

Yes I remember feeling like the 3rd trimester was never going to end with Rosie, I was on the verge of being disabled! Bump measured bang on today when I saw the consultant, she put my big bump down to me being tall :)
totally know how ur all feeling. i'm startiing get abit fed up now at work. i'm nackered by about half 3 :-(
6 weeks 3 days left to go at work, cant come quick enough!!!
when I saw the consultant, she put my big bump down to me being tall :)

my midwife told me my bump was sticking out so much because I am short! :roll:

Sometimes I think they make this stuff up!!! :rofl:
I am so uncomfortable now. Getting up and down is a major headache. I can't get comfy in bed and my legs/hips constantly hurt now. I also keep getting told how huge I am and people can't believe I've still got about a mouth to go!
when I saw the consultant, she put my big bump down to me being tall :)

my midwife told me my bump was sticking out so much because I am short! :roll:

Sometimes I think they make this stuff up!!! :rofl:

Totally agree, my consultant told me my bump didnt look "overly" big because im tall!! x

:rofl: wel in 3 cases we've managed to prove that bump size is completely unrelated to height!!! :rofl: I do sometimes think they think their job is to give us a 'reason' for everything!
yeah i think their main thing they are told in training is to reassure and comfort everyone - above all else!!

ive noticed it a few times. everythings ''normal'' lol
Does anyone else feel like youre just being fobbed off though when they do that?! I do. The other day after I fainted I was so worried about my blood sugars and all I could get out of them was "well it does happen sometimes when youre pregnant...its NORMAL lol"
absolutely, I think my MW finds me quite amusing as I always find something to worry about and then have to bend her ear on it :lol:

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