feeling a bit blah


Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2010
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about the whole ttc thing today, god it is such a rollercoaster isnt it?!
I mean i dont think we could physically do anymore to make this happen, I have given up caffiene, obv been taking folic acid for a couple of years now, I have started the baby aspirin thing, a cup of green tea everyday up to ov. Hubby is taking ginko bilboa, and zinc, he has also given up caffiene.
We have Bd'd exactly as all the info tells you, and will bd again today and every other day until the witch but today i just can't picture the bfp! :( Anything else i can try that i am not already doing? dietary wise or other!

I have had sore boobs for a couple of days now and a bloated tummy but think it is the end of ov symptoms rather than anything else. Every time AF comes my heart breaks and since the MC it is so much harder, am wondering if we are ever meant to have kids....just one of those days me thinks
I think it is just one of those days MrsMC :( Bloomin awful.

Make sure you are drinking plenty of fluids because i read somewhere they dehydration can trigger mc.

Besides that, nothing really that i can think of except that caffiene doesn't effect males and has been thought to possibly improve sperms movement.

Exercise wouldn't go amiss, get all that blood circulating and it will lift your mood also. I hope you're not just sitting at home all day because that will make you feel a million times worse.

Decide what you want to to tomorrow - visit a site of historical interest, go hiking, go swimming, whatever - and go and sort out all the kit you need for it right now.

It'll make it so much easier getting out of the door tomorrow :)
thanks hun...oooh i didnt know that about sperm and caffeine i'll make hubby a bucket of coffee hehe!
I am training as a dance teacher so am getting plenty of excercise. I knw i am rubbish at drinking enough so will keep trying really hard at that!! arghhhhhhh
thanks hun...oooh i didnt know that about sperm and caffeine i'll make hubby a bucket of coffee hehe!

My hubby is a caffiene addict, i'm worried it is all that is keeping his 4% moving at all lol
Hope you're ok mrsmc :) I hate the bad days, it can really get to you. Just about to check out your vlog :)
Hey - sorry you're having a blah day. Think of it as good though because it's more a relaxed view - and you know they always say that's when it happens. Just go with it - time out is good xxxxx
lol i try and be relaxed but i just cant do it, all i think about is babies, and when i am not thinking of babies I am analyzing CM or something!
well im officially with u on the feeling blurgh :(
iv got flu to so nothing helping that one
i kept getting sharp pains down one side last night kind of in my groin area
any one had this before? is it AF on her way ??
im now 12dpo x x
aw linx :hug: have you had that pain before? u gonna test tomorrow?
im not going to test no...... im going to wait for AF to come on the 12th as im possitive she will and i gave my ebay cheapies to my m8 the other day, ( turns out she not preg)
so iv got none in either........... i think i had them last month but not before that, i think i had chemical preg last month though so i havent got a clue i cant read my body yet........ i am drinking a lot more lately though i hardly drink anything!!! bad for me, and the doctor regulally telling me off for it as i can go days without a drink sometimes. but since friday iv been drinking much more ...... this been the reason for going to the toilet alot more too lol i just dont know
although i havent had my usual sweet craving before Af this month.............. theres still time lol
maybe if it af doesnt come a few days after the 12th you should test cos you never know! I really hope she doesntget you
oh ill deff test then lol
im :poas:
without a doubt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
my period like clockwork. every 32 days on the dot. thats why when it came 2 days early last month i knew something was wrong!!
so if she not here friday then i know exactly whats going on
yeah me too
i hope she stays away from u too hun good luck and lots of :dust:
Awww MrsMc, Everyone TTC feels like this at times so you have plenty of people here who understand what you are feeling. Theres always something to worry about too in your head, Hope you are feeling a little bit better today xxx
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