Lets quit together!

Have to remember to live and enjoy things too or else it all gets too much and way too stressy!!!!!

You are so right!

Though I agree with Louise that we could cut one bad thing each, I'm going to attempt to drink a bottle of water every day
I'm going to attempt to drink a bottle of water every day

Yay :D

I'm definately quitting caffiene tomorrow!

Or do you think that i only need to quit during 2ww :oooo:
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Mine isnt so much what I need to quit but what I need to do..... excercise!!

I binned the fags in Jan I dont really drink but do allow myself the occasional glass of wine when I fancy it, eat fairly ok, not over weight but I will be the first to admit that I am very lazy!!

So I bought the ministry of sound dance workout dvd, am hoping that it will be more fun then standard excercising.... or just wishful thinking!!
ok so i have failed on the diet coke thing already.....terrible!!!
Great thread - I'm gonna give up sex......NOT !!!! phew, moment of madness..... I need to give up ironing, housework in general, shopping, work....
Now that I have come back down to reality - I need to put the fork down in gereral....lost 2 stone waiting on TTC and now I'm here put on 4 lbs eek!! Due to back problem not been able to exercise which I normally do 5 days a week so if I cant exercise, better double cut out the crap. I only have say 3 cups of tea a day, stopped smoking 5 years ago, drink only very occassionally. I used to work so hard during the day it was stressing me out so I make sure I now go home at lunch time and take an hour off and relax, watch neighbours and have a bite to eat. propblem is its not a bite.....its a filled roll, a packet crisps, a bickie and anything else lurking in the kids cupboard. So what do I do? I think I should stop going home and find another way to relax at lunchtime. Ideas? If I stay in office I will just carry on working .... kills my back and then I start getting stressed cos not taking a break......

dunno what your local area's like, but I really enjoy getting out and exploring where I work. You can walk a long way in an hour - I like to go down all the streets I've never seen before and stuff like that...exercise, fresh air, excitement and time away from the office...

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