Feel Numb

I'm back home, they won't do the D&C today, apparently now I don't meet the criteria for a missed miscarriage so I now have to wait until another scan on Thursday. I'm devastated, I prepared myself for today thinking I just had to get today over with and then I could try and move on. But no.......
Oh no :hugs: why would they book you for one and then tell you that? Sorry hun. When is your next scan? :hugs: xx
I'm back home, they won't do the D&C today, apparently now I don't meet the criteria for a missed miscarriage so I now have to wait until another scan on Thursday. I'm devastated, I prepared myself for today thinking I just had to get today over with and then I could try and move on. But no.......

Blimey kedi - I am so sorry they haven't been able to do anything for you today.

Having made far too many trips to the EPU myself [and being sent away to "wait" 3 times!] I know how horrible it is to be in this awful limbo.

I know the next few days are going to be so very difficult so be kind to yourself darling.

thats terrible it is so awful how you can be treated when you have lost a child i am so sorry the NHS really needs to sort his out
oh hun I'm so sorry, i can't imagine how awful the continued torture is. thinking of you xxx
Kedi babe, I am so sorry about what's happened today, sweetheart you in my thoughts! Love to u! Xx
Oh babe such huge hugs to you such a horrible n difficult time for u xxxx
Thank you so much for all your support, like I've said before I don't know how I'd stay sane without you lot.

Well, I awoke last night with serious cramps and bleeding a lot more, with clots. As yet I don't think I have past baby, but I would think it will happen fairly soon. I'm so very sad but also relieved the process has started. Hopefully by the time the scan comes on Thursday they'll be able to check that I have passed everything and I won't have to have a D&C.
in a way it is a good thing your body is able to do this naturally, although to go through palava you have is just awful. I hope your not in too much pain hun, just try and rest up as much you can xx :hugs:
You're right, I'm pleased my body is starting to do this naturally. At least now I know I can take the strong painkillers to get through this.
Hugs to you sweetheart. I felt the same way after mine and I just didn't even want to think about having another child. Even now I think about it and it puts me on a real downer tbh. I'm not going to say it's reassuring getting pregnant because I don't think it is, but there's no reason not to try again hon. Just give yourself time to grieve first. Here to talk if you need anything. *cuddles*.
Oh honey :( Glad your are thinking about the positives (what few there are) hugs xx
Thank you so much for all your support, like I've said before I don't know how I'd stay sane without you lot.

Well, I awoke last night with serious cramps and bleeding a lot more, with clots. As yet I don't think I have past baby, but I would think it will happen fairly soon. I'm so very sad but also relieved the process has started. Hopefully by the time the scan comes on Thursday they'll be able to check that I have passed everything and I won't have to have a D&C.

It's a shitty situation when we are actually 'thankful' that things happen naturally :shock:

Although if the worst has to happen I guess naturally is best.

kedi, I know how horrible it is and can only express my sadness that so many ladies have to go through this. Going through it more than once is just torturous.

Keep strong (and vodka sounds good :shock:)

first thing i did was go buy booze and cigerettes! your not alone, and i had missed runny eggs, and Bree cheese
first thing i did was go buy booze and cigerettes! your not alone, and i had missed runny eggs, and Bree cheese

I never started smoking again (6 months ago today I stopped actually and 3 M/c's later I am proud to say I have never been tempted with the fags since) but I did have a whole bottle of wine on Saturday when M/C was confirmed !
first thing i did was go buy booze and cigerettes! your not alone, and i had missed runny eggs, and Bree cheese

I never started smoking again (6 months ago today I stopped actually and 3 M/c's later I am proud to say I have never been tempted with the fags since) but I did have a whole bottle of wine on Saturday when M/C was confirmed !

I've got in my head I just need to get this week over with and then I'll go back to not smoking again. OH hasn't started again and he isn't impressed I have so I have to give up or I'll have him nagging me all the time.
I've got in my head I just need to get this week over with and then I'll go back to not smoking again. OH hasn't started again and he isn't impressed I have so I have to give up or I'll have him nagging me all the time.

In all honesty hun, I think you can do pretty much what the Hell you want at the moment :shock:

Omg kedi I only just seen this! I don't know what to say! I am so sorryx


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