feel dehydrated and worried


Well-Known Member
Jun 14, 2011
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For last couple of days i've been really dehydrated. I'm drinking plenty of water but if I fall asleep for and hour I wake up dehydrated again and spend next few hour topping up fluids only for cycle to continue. I'm extremely sleep this week. Its getting me down and i'm not sure if its serious or not

Anyone have advice or feel same
I have had the same thing so just make sure I sip lots of water. Gonna mention it to midwife when isee her tho!
Thanks. I'm trying to drink plenty. Its just worrying me. I never know whats normal and what needs attention. I didn't have boy issues at all aside from tiny bit of ms with first 2. But that was a long time ago
i felt very thirsty in the first 8-10 weeks i'm sure its normal but if your worried go and see ur doctor xx
I was very thirsty in tri 1, still am really. I think it to do with you blood volume increasing so it important to just keep drinking. I walked about with a bottle of water everywhere, I still make sure I have something to drink with me as I've ended up with UTIs and kidney stones in tri 2, def don't want that happening again!
I'm really thirsty too ... Its worse in a morning after I have just woken up ... I feel like I've just drank a litre of sand my throats that dry!

I've read it's normal.

A girl I work with had it throughout her entire pregnancy!

Darlin i was exactly the same from about 6 weeks and until about 11 weeks, still get it now and again! I used to wake up feeling hungover! I've read it's something to do with your kidneys working harder to keep flushing all the waste out your body! When I was at the hospital last week the doc told me I should be drinking about 3 litres of water a day!! So you are meant to drink plenty! But it's always worth mentioning to your gp or midwife if it doesn't feel right to you Xx
I think it's normal and is something to do with your blood volume increasing a lot in pregnancy, and particularly in the first trimester. Doesn't help with needing to run to the toilet all the time anyway, though, does it....
i feel the same have constantly got a glass of water with me i make sure i drink lots as i'm sick alot so have been woried about dehydration but i was at the drs yesterday and she said just a few drips of water every 10-20 mins is enough plus try to eat some food thats high in water like melon, grapes cuecumber x

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