Home From 3 day Stay in Hospital!


Well-Known Member
Sep 22, 2008
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Hello Ladies
I'm so pleased to be back home after been admitted to hospital on Tuesday due to being really dehydrated.
My sickness started about 3 weeks ago, but the last week or so, i had found it increasingly difficult to even keep fluids down for longer than 30mins!
I went to my GP firstly who put me on anti-sickness tablets, which i felt had little affect (maybe i was already too dehydrated for them too work) so i went back to see him and he decided to admit me to hospital for re-hydration. I cried so much, mainly with relief that finally i was going to see light at the end of what already seemed like a long tunnel. But it was so hard leaving my husband and son at home and me staying in hospital.
Anyway, I was put on a drip on tuesday pm, and ended up having 6 litres of fluids! I instantly began to feel better and started to keep fluids down then was weaned back on to foods! Its such a great feeling been able to eat and drink again!
Since coming home i have started to feel sick again, but fortunately not been sick since yesterday morning, which is a huge improvement of previously been sick up to 20 times a day!
I have my booking appt with my midwife on saturday so looking forward to her arranging my first scan! A few people have told me my huge sickness might be due to being pregnant with twins, but hey, i will take it in my stride!
Sounds like my worst nightmare...SO pleased your well and back with us hunny! :hug:

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