feeding in public


Well-Known Member
May 24, 2006
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what do you think about breastfeeding in public?

personally i think it is ok but i dont know if i would do it cause you do get some very fullny people :x

but i am breastfeeding madi and i will be expressing
I think you MAY be pleasantly surprised.

Unfortunately my breastfeeding failed so don't have personal experience, but friends tell me they've encountered no problems and have actually been complimented in public.

I hope you find the courage to go ahead with it :hug: :)
I find that faced with a screaming baby or a quiet baby attached to a boob, most prefer the quiet baby. I was a bit dubious about it at first but I started at mother and baby groups and the other day I was feeding Seren whilst walking around a shop. If anyone has a problem, I tell them thats its just that "their problem" and to go and bother someome else cos I couldn't care less.
I breast fed in public. Most of the older generation looked and smiled,most average aged adults looked embarassed,they were embarassed not me and kids watched in awe :D

Funniest place i ever fed was playing Bingo at Blackpool :D
I think I'd find it odd myself to start off with, but once you have the hang of being discreat, it shouldn't matter hun. You do what's best for YOU and YOUR BABY, screw everyone else if they turn their noses up :hug:
i cant help but stare when i see a lady breastfeeding.... but because i think its such a lovely thing. and very rare round here. iv only seen one girl breast feed before
when I breasfed Lydia, I did feel self conscious in public, but I did it anyway, because at the end of the day Lydia's stomach is more important than the opinons of strangers!
Hev am I confusing you with another member? - didn't you do a post about milk tokens saying Madi was on Aptimil? Sorry, I don't get on here as much as I used to so get lost sometimes!

Yeah, in the beginning I was very self conscious when feeding Olivia in public but soon enough Olivia got great at latching herself on and I got some great clothes that made it even more discreet.
I also got good and knowing where I'd feel more comfortable feeding in different cafes/restaurants etc which gave me more confidence.

I've had lots of positive things said to me when people have seen me bfing and a few women who have told me they wanted to breastfeed but gave up.

It's so convenient and like Beanie I fed Olivia in an aisle in Sainsburys the other day (put my trolley with car seat at a discreet angle and made sure it was down an un-popular aisle!

Soon it will be second nature to you and you wont even give it a second thought about latching Madi on!

madi is on breast and bottle

i dont seem to be producing enough milk so i use aptimil as a back up :)
I do breast feed in public but sometimes Ellie finds it hard to feed when we are in public, I think it is when we have too much distraction, lights, people and noise, though it could just be the colic she gets when trying to feed anyway. We went to Swindon outlet centre on Monday and I was pleasantly suprised to find a changing / feeding room, with chairs to sit down, microwave for bottle and she was really happy in there.
I found it hard at first to breastfeed in public.....i think i was more concerned what people thought, and found it embrassing. But now i'm settled with my feeding and Mia is too, i tend to feed Mia when ever we are out and about!!! Can't let her go hungry-i also like the fact that when she's upset and needs a feed i'm there to help and can settle her straight away!

Amy xx
I never had a single comment - i wasnt really bothered what anyone might think so i never noticed if anyone was even looking - i usually had someone with me if we were shopping so was usually engrossed in gossip!

like Nicky, once alex got a bit older i found he was too easily distracted and wouldnt feed well in public. i ended up using bottles when out somewhere busy as he seemed to concentrate on them better!

Dionne i'm the same - i always find myself gawping, but always make sure i give them an AWWW smile if they see my looking so they know i am admiring! just reminds me of lovely times!

I get 2 types of reaction either people smile at you or people avoid looking at you. She is fine on the back seat of the car so I use that quite often when we are out.
Sorry missed this thread. I did it loads, whenever he needed it that's what he got. I used to try and find a quiet spot but it never bothered me at all and no one ever gave me a second glance.

A baggy top and a muslin work wonders!
:D I've only really fed once in public,and I went to the car to do so - I was at a car boot,I had the door open and loads of people were about,but they couldn't really see much anyway.
I fed my baby for the first time in public yesterday :cheer: Actually it was in the TV room at the childrens ward in hospital but it was still in front of people! I used a muslin too :)
Well done Skatty - before you know it, you won't even think about "I'm feeding him in public" as it just becomes 2nd nature!


In the beginning io was real nervous but like others say it becomes like second nature now that she is older though she likes to flash eveyone and laughs about it shes so cheeky so i try and go in the babies room now so i can just let it all hang out :lol: but like others ive had nasty looks and smiles.
hev&madi said:
what do you think about breastfeeding in public?

personally i think it is ok but i dont know if i would do it cause you do get some very fullny people :x

but i am breastfeeding madi and i will be expressing

i don't think anything about breastfeeding in public. Never have. If my baby cry and needs a feed and im in public i feed them. End of story.
skatty said:
I fed my baby for the first time in public yesterday :cheer: Actually it was in the TV room at the childrens ward in hospital but it was still in front of people! I used a muslin too :)

YAY well done, muslins are great aren't they :lol:

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