feeding in public

I never fed my boys in public was too shy.

But with lily I had already decided I was going to feed her when ever and whereever she wanted and never expressed milk unless hubby was having her on his owen.

I had a pouch sling when she was just born and so it was really easy to feed her in that but now I don't even care if I'm completely covered.

So far I've fed her:-
In a Brewers Fayre restaurant
A jenny's cafe
Chinese restuarant
walking around MK shopping centre clothes shopping.
I even fed her at callums B'day party on sunday,which was at a playcentre in the leasure centre.
And loads more times I can't remeber.

Most people don't even realise and if they do don't care, the way I see it is when they are feeding you see less then what you do if a girl is walking round in a low cut top.

I bottle fed my son for two reasons. I didn't want to have to feed every two hours and also not in public. I intend to express with the next one other than when we are at home so I can go into the bedroom.

I had a friend who breast fed in front of her father in law and not discreetly which I thought was really weird and to be honest I was disgusted.
She had no bra on and just lifted her top full off in front of him, it wasn't discreet at all. Her boyfriend and children is one thing, they are family but in front of her father-in-law like that I thought was grosse.
mmmm i agree there is no need to expose your breast to anyone.
A good breast feeder is a discreet breastfeeder - and who the heck wants to show their breast off to all and sundry anyway.
When i feed my babies when out in public or in the same room as someone i use a shawl or wear a baggy top to feed.
Yeah I have nothing against it if it's discreet. My sons dad called breastfeeding child abuse, how rediculous is that! Even though it doesn't appeal to me this time I am going to give it a go but only in private.
child abuse! :x :x thats beyond ridiculous!
My SIL does the same! Just gets her boobs out in front of everyone and noone knows where to look! I know its natural but there is no need to make a big huge point about it! I am just the opposite and do not want to breastfeed in front of any family. It annoys me that I always make visits to my DHs family after Leorah has been fed and at the slightest whimper they tell me she's hungry like I'm starving her and I just want to shout "no she's fooking not, she's just fed up with being mauled by everyone and wants her Mum or dad!"
having a poo and a wee is natural but i don't do it in public and if i do i am discreet! :moon: - i find a big tree or some large bushes! Im not saying my arse is big..... :rotfl:
Londoner Claire said:
My sons dad called breastfeeding child abuse, how rediculous is that!

I'm sorry but your sons dad sounds like an idiot. Its like some narrow minded person saying bottle feeding is child abuse because its not natural.

I breast fed for 2 years with my daughter even though I stopped feeding her in public at about 10 months. I still fed her in the car or in feeding rooms though.
I'm planning to breast feed fully with this one as well for as long as he/she wants as well.
i tend to pity people who think breastfeeding is dirty or un natural :(
Budge, I agree. My inlaws are still unsure what to make of me breastfeeding Olivia.

What annoys me is the fact that sometimes I have been made to feel like the freak, WHY should I be put in that position doing something so very natural - I don't make anyone feel bad about a parenting style/choice I don't agree with!

TipsyDipsy said:
Londoner Claire said:
My sons dad called breastfeeding child abuse, how rediculous is that!

I'm sorry but your sons dad sounds like an idiot. Its like some narrow minded person saying bottle feeding is child abuse because its not natural.

I breast fed for 2 years with my daughter even though I stopped feeding her in public at about 10 months. I still fed her in the car or in feeding rooms though.
I'm planning to breast feed fully with this one as well for as long as he/she wants as well.

Yep I agree with you, we split after 7 years and this babies dad isn't so pathetic. 2 years though is a long time. :shock:
:lol: Yea it is. I didn't plan out to BF her for so long I just carried on because I found I didn't mind doing it and as she got older she realized where mum would do it and where it wasn't appropriate anymore too so wouldn't ask in public places or in company because she knew I wouldn't.
She used to have it as part of her bedtime routine after bath and if she was ill and wanted comforting.
She never had a dummy so I think she used the breast instead of one.

I'm glad you've decided to try BF just don't feel pressured either way. If you don't feel comfortable then stop but if you feel you like doing it then carry on and don't let anyone pressure you either way.
What I would say though would be to give yourself 4 weeks before deciding if its right for you because that's the hardest part and after that then your not sore anymore and the baby stops being so demanding so you'll find it easier.
Good Luck x
I havent yet but if i need to i will. Screw everyone else, if Thea needs feeding then she needs feeding and im not going to go hide in a public loo to do it either lol.

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