*****February 2019 mummies*****

Ahh always coffee congratulations; your pics are adorable.

Pennypie I am so excited it's ridiculous; I don't know if I'll be able to sleep tonight.
Went out for drinks with some of the ladies from work after school today which was nice as it kept me busy and they're all excited to find out too.
My work have been having bets on me. Everyone but two think girl, even my mum and sister think girl. I did think boy but I’m now completely undecided and actually don’t mind either way (which I never thought I’d say).
Yes I had a scan at 16 weeks and I was told it was a girl. Hoping for confirmation tomorrow at the scan!
Oh how lovely always coffee! A boy! Love your pics
Can't wait to hear how you both get on tmrw.
I am a bit gutted as i have to go to the scan myself but luckily my husband got to attend the private one. He will be working in England tomorrow.
Ahh always coffee congratulations; your pics are adorable.

Pennypie I am so excited it's ridiculous; I don't know if I'll be able to sleep tonight.
Went out for drinks with some of the ladies from work after school today which was nice as it kept me busy and they're all excited to find out too.

thanks! Can't wait to find out what you are having <3
Lynsey, such a cute bump! :-) How are you feeling?

Donna, good luck with the scan tomorrow, keep us posted on how it all goes? xx

Alwayscoffee, congrats on your scan and tiny male human! Seems to be a lot of boys at the moment!

Pennypie, hope it goes well for you too, it's so exciting, I nearly couldn't sleep the night before my scan!

Kholl, how are things going with you at the moment? :)

I'm 21 weeks tomorrow, my bump is coming along nicely, I currently measure 45in around! :shock:
He's been quite active recently and the little jabs and kicks have gradually been getting stronger, as has my need to pee! :rofl:

Bump as of 2 days ago :)


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I'll keep you all posted definitely. So many people to update tomorrow.

Really hope that the day doesn't drag, but I think I'll be kept busy at work so fingers crossed it'll go fairly quickly.

Lynsey I'm sure if the private said girl it will be as they won't want you putting any complaints in, but yes I bet you would like the confirmation. Sorry you'll be on your own but like you say at least your husband was there for the private one.
Aaaah AlwaysCoffee a son!!! Congratulations! I love the pic of you and your husband and the blue shoes - so clever and sweet.

Donna, I didn't realize just how anxious I was about the 20-week scan until after it was done. Or maybe it wasn't so much that I was anxious about the scan itself, but I really truly did not realize how hesitant I was to believe this baby was ok, to believe this pregnancy was really happening in a way... I was holding back on a lot of excitement and joy. Seeing that baby changed so much for me, I know of course lots can still go wrong (as it can for all of us at any point in our lives!) but that anatomy scan helped me relax tremendously and truly start to celebrate in my heart and let my spirit feel excitement and joy instead of trepidation and fear. I know it will do the same for you!

Phillipa your bump is perfect! I am feeling pretty good, thanks for asking! Definitely struggling with sleep but overall finally feeling pretty energetic and like I have the stamina to get through my crazy-packed days with 3 little ones :)

Lynsey I'm sure you are still carrying a little lady in there! I'm sorry your husband can't join you, but glad he was there for the 16-week one.

Penny can't wait to hear! Do you have other kids? Sorry if I've forgotten!

I'll post another bump pic soon but as you all know I'm gigantic! Well to be fair my belly growth seems to have eased and I've looked about the same the last few weeks. Which is gigantic. In my barre class the other day there was a woman who was also pregnant and her belly was virtually identical to mine. I asked when she was due and she said "early November!" I was like... oh wow, you look amazing. I was in disbelief! But also... I'm huge! haha

My son turns 4 tomorrow. I've been thinking a lot about his birth, and telling him and the other kids the story of his birth. Kids love to hear about the day they were born, it's so sweet. And I certainly love to reminisce about it, too.
Thanks everyone!
Just trying to keep myself busy now until afternoon.
Kholl how lovely I just adore telling my kids about their births and when they were small and they love hearing all the details about what time and what weight they were. My 9 year old daughter is particularly interested she is so interested in my pregnancy this time as well and wants to learn at the scans etc.. sweet.
Philipa what a lovely cute bump! I am feeling good now thank you!
I literally can't wait now. My appointment is at 3.20; I work next to the hospital and my husband can get here for half 2 so I'll probably head over then and see if we can get seen to earlier (or at least get my bloods taken again.)

I just want to get there now; was really busy at work this morning but now I'm kind of just waiting around.
Someone has said that they've heard my hospital have stopped telling you the sex though :( I really hope that isn't true.

If it is we'll have to book a private one as don't think my little one can handle waiting he's so excited. He'll be gutted if we can't tell him tonight
Oh no! I thought most places now will tell you. Fingers X for you that you find out today!
I'm happy my mum just phoned and is coming with me.for my scan so I won't be on my own.
Yeah I'm thinking it's just a rumour. I asked on mush and people seem to think they'll tell you if you ask but they won't ask you; so if it's not mentioned they won't say anything. It probably all depends on the sonographer as well.

Ahh happy your mum is going with you; that will be nice
Ladies can&#8217;t wait to hear how your scans went!!
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Hi all, it was a nice visit to the hospital, but wasn&#8217;t able to come away knowing!! The baby was in a ball, in a difficult position. She told me to go for a walk and try and get it moving, came back and it&#8217;s refusing, having a great old nap. Got to come back in two weeks to finish off checks as she can&#8217;t see what she needs to, but everything she can see looks good.

I am not disappointed at all, I think I was half expecting not to find out as it depends on position doesn&#8217;t it, but I get to have another look at baby soon so that&#8217;s a bonus!! xx
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I will be leaving the forum. This is my last post. My baby didn't have a heart beat. I'm going into the hospital to have her delivered. I'm in total shock. It will be to painful to stay on here. I wish you all well xx
I&#8217;m so sorry to hear that, I can&#8217;t even begin to imagine what you are going through. Thinking of you. xxxx
Oh my god Lynsey I am in tears and total shock reading this, I have no words, I am just so sorry and furious this is happening to you. I am sending all my prayers and thoughts to you and your family.
Oh my God Lynsey, I am so sorry and I cannot begin to imagine how you are feeling right now. I know you probably won't read this but I couldn't just ignore you. Sending you and your family all my thoughts and love. I'm sure you will be told, but there are charities out there who you can reach out to - they can offer you someone to speak to if you need someone who isn't you friends or family. Look after yourself xxxxxx
Oh my goodness Lynsey, I'm so sorry to hear this, you are very much in my thoughts and prayers tonight xx

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