********February 2019 mummies*********

Ok I think I ate more today than I have on any other day in my life!!! I’ve gone from nauseated to STARVING. I am a bottomless pit! It’s outrageous. Like when I think about how much I ate today it’s actually scary. I’m gonna be showing by 6 weeks at this rate...
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First time this morning I haven't been able to eat all my breakfast - well yesterday I fed some of it to the dog, but this morning there was loads left so I even asked my husband if he wanted some before I gave it all to the dog.

Other then that and massive boobs - I feel pretty normal today. Slight cramps but I'm hoping that's just normal stretching etc.
Hi girls
Today is day 2 of the course and I feel slightly better and less nausea than yesterday. I slept well last night but again woke early before my alarm. Boobs are v v sore! I have started to get a little bit excited about my scan which is 2 weeks today.
Is anyone else planning on having an early scan?
Ooo that's very exciting. Looking forward to hearing all about it.

I'd like to have an early scan - but my husband isn't convinced. I think we'll wait and see when we get given a date for our actual scan as we go away around the 12 week mark, so if we can't have the 12 week one until after the holiday we'll book in for a private.
I will probably only have the 20-week scan; earlier ones aren’t necessarily routine here. More like, if you want one. I will be happy hearing a heartbeat with the Doppler before then, I think.
Hi girls, hope we're all doing well today :)

As of Friday evening, the nausea has picked up a lot! I spent 30 minutes yesterday sitting by the toilet feeling like I was going to puke any second, no actual being sick yet though!
Still quite fatigued on a daily basis, I cleaned my bathroom yesterday and it nearly finished me off, everything takes so much energy at the moment.

Also my body is waking me up at least 4 times a night to pee, so sleeping isn't easy right now, oh and the joys of restless legs every night too!
Hi everyone! So many babies dues in Feb!
I found out I was pregnant yesterday and I'm all new to this and any help and advice is great! This site is great because we can relate to each other!
I'm about 5 weeks so very early days but guys, what's with the stomach aches and wind? Any of you been getting the same? Also my boob's don't hurt except the nips! And they feel massive!!!
Hi Colourfulclo, Welcome & congrats!!!!

It depends what stomach ache you mean, I get a cramping pain in my left side of what I assume is my uterus! Boobs are hot and only my nipples are sore but again they feel massive too!

Have you had any nausea or headaches?

Oh god, let's not with the nausea, currently in bed with a bucket in front of me...
Trapped wind cramps are driving me nuts too and it's also not helping with my nausea either.

I just want to sleep :(
Oh Phillipa - I'm sorry! Nausea like that can be debilitating. I hope it eases up for you.

Welcome, Colourfulclo! Will this be your first baby?

Poppy - sounds like round ligament pain? I get it badly. In fact, that was one of my first symptoms. A few days before my BFP I sneezed and felt that old familiar sharp pulling pain. I thought immediately that I had to be pregnant, since I don't get it any other time in my life.

I love seeing all these new mamas joining our group! It's starting to feel so real!
Welcome colourfulclo; congrats on your BFP

Oh Phillipa I hope your sickness settles soon

So last night I was up and down needing wees for the first time. Just before waking up for work I had a horrible dream, I was out with some people from work and my husband and started bleeding. It was so real and I haven't been to the toilet since waking up yet now as I actually daren't go :(
So update, no blood. Thankfully.

I feel so sick today though - I'm going to attempt a sea band at work and hope no one notices
Hi kholl, yes it is! I'm very nervous as I haven't really got a close family so won't be getting the mother help!
Hi Colourfulclo, Welcome & congrats!!!!

It depends what stomach ache you mean, I get a cramping pain in my left side of what I assume is my uterus! Boobs are hot and only my nipples are sore but again they feel massive too!

Have you had any nausea or headaches?

Hi poppy!
Thank you!! I think the stomach ache feels like I've eaten a massive meal and it churns and I feel very bloated and gassy, very uncomfortable.. A bit like ibs but not with the runs (sorry)!) or as intense!
I haven't been sleeping well, need to invest in a lighter blanket and a pregnancy pillow I think as mines not very comfy!
Headaches I got at the start but I put it down to change of weather and I've been drinking more so is fine now, I usually am rubbish at drinking water but I'm so thirsty now, I even crave salad! That's a shock to me!
As for nausea last night was the first night I was sick otherwise I just had abit, and tht was just brushing my teeth!
Boob's are hurting today and I now have a cold! :(
It feels weird though as I feel like a super woman but has anyone had an increase in smell? Like I can smell things and my partner is thinking I'm strange lol
I haven't had an increase in smell but I'm more sensitive to spicy food than I used to be.
I just got my BFP at 9 DPO!! It's crazy to think. I had to take another test to just confirm it. I'm a little hesitant to join in, but I'm trying to stay positive (literally). haha The only symptoms I have so far is just a cramping feeling here and there.

Calendar says my due date would be February 27th! I can't believe I'm saying that!!!!!
I just got my BFP at 9 DPO!! It's crazy to think. I had to take another test to just confirm it. I'm a little hesitant to join in, but I'm trying to stay positive (literally). haha The only symptoms I have so far is just a cramping feeling here and there.

Calendar says my due date would be February 27th! I can't believe I'm saying that!!!!!

Welcome to the February mums thread :D

I am so happy for you, I think staying positive is the best way to be - at this point there isn't much we can do, we've just got to hope for the best and make sure our bodies are ready.
I just got my BFP at 9 DPO!! It's crazy to think. I had to take another test to just confirm it. I'm a little hesitant to join in, but I'm trying to stay positive (literally). haha The only symptoms I have so far is just a cramping feeling here and there.

Calendar says my due date would be February 27th! I can't believe I'm saying that!!!!!

Welcome to the February mums thread :D

I am so happy for you, I think staying positive is the best way to be - at this point there isn't much we can do, we've just got to hope for the best and make sure our bodies are ready.

Thank you <3 How are you doing Donna?
I'm not doing too bad, felt really sick this morning but it passed by midday. My boobs are huge and when I tried doing some exercise they were painful and then I felt sick so the exercise didn't last long. But other then that I really can't complain at the moment.

I'm just really looking forward to a few weeks (well months) time when I get my booking in appointment and then my scan - I'm hoping that will make it all feel more real. We've talked about trying for years and wanted this so much, now we've got it - it doesn't feel real.

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