********February 2019 mummies*********

Lynsey, yes!! I keep saying "I feel totally fine, I don't have any symptoms, I'm just irritable and crampy and no food sounds appetizing, and I'm having intense and vivid dreams every night." And then I'm like, wait, those ARE symptoms. What I mean by "I feel normal" is I'm not painfully nauseated. But I haven't had bad or consistent nausea in any of my pregnancies so that's not surprising!

My energy is ok too, but it tends to be ok in the first trimester - I get the raging and impenetrable fatigue at the end (like from 35 weeks on).

I have been forcing myself not to take more pregnancy tests the last couple days, I've been dying to, but I just can't face a light line or a line that doesn't look as strong as I *feel* it should.

Today is another mini-milestone for me, when I had my m/c I began spotting brown 9 days after my BFP. Today is 9 days after the latest BFP, so if I can get through today that will feel significant (though I know that, objectively, it's utterly meaningless). Aaaah the effing first trimester!
Good morning ladies, how are you all today?
So I've decided to finally move over onto here - I've taken two tests and at first I thought they weren't getting darker but the one today is a lot clearer than Mondays. EDD will be 11th Feb. I've called the midwives so will just have to wait for a call back from them now - can't believe it's happening.
Congrats Donna! That's you added in.

I'm feeling ok today Katie. It was my kids sports days at very hot again. No appetite but I forced down some lunch. Started to feel nausea slightly this afternoon but other than that I'm good. How's you? Xx
Hi girls,
Felt lovely and normal today, no symptoms apart from my boobs are FINALLY starting to hurt like they did last time, hubby is ill right now, so he can't touch them at the moment! :rotfl:

Trying to keep away from my OH as he managed to catch a virus at work the other day, so I currently have our kingsize bed to myself while he sleeps in the spare room bless him.

Bladder is waking me up at unsociable hours (usually around 3am and 5am!), but other than that, I've been pretty lucky so far.

How is everyone else getting on today? :)
Hey Phillipa! Sorry your husband is sick- but nice to have the bed to yourself :)

Lynsey, the heat definitely exacerbates the appetite/nausea issue! Glad you're not feeling too bad though.

I feel like absolute garbage today, but that's mostly because my youngest is going through some kind of horrific sleep regression thing... either staying up absurdly late or waking absurdly early... last night I had severe insomnia (worse than I've had in months, and that's really saying something, as I am one hell of an insomniac) and my toddler was up for the day at 4:30am. I am just surly with fatigue. I'm barely functioning. It has increased my symptoms, I am nauseated and all food sounds awful and I am soooo thirsty.

5+2 today, this first trimester drags like crazy!
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Hello Everyone,

So I am totally new to this, I'm not sure what I'm supposed to write. I found out yesterday that I am pregnant. I have been tracking my periods for the best part of 9 months after coming off contraception and when I didn't come on yesterday as I normally would have done like clock work I took a test.

Phoned the midwife service today and they estimate me to be 4 week +4.. whatever this means. I'm still figuring out the lingo. My pregnancy app I use is natural cycles and this says my due date will be 13th Feb 2019.

I don't know what I feel just yet, rather numb tbh, don't think its sunk in just yet.

Soo.. if anyone can give me advice, tips, what to expect, that would be amazing! I haven't even told anyone yet, you are the first ones. This will be my first pregnancy.


Poppy x
Hi Poppy


I have added you in for 13th.

I think it does take a few days to sink in! I have known for a few weeks now and it still doesn't feel real sometimes. I think once the symptoms kick in that's when it will seem real to me or when I go for the scan.
With regards to what to expect ... It's so varied with every woman and with every pregnancy. For me personally I'm expecting to be hit with morning sickness and extreme tiredness in the next few weeks as that has been what I have experienced in previous pregnancies.
We have been coming onto the forum and updating each other on our symptoms and feelings so feel free to join in..it helps to know others are going through it xx
Hi Lynsey, thanks for the reply. I felt crazy hormonal monday and tuesday and thought to myself jesus my body really needs this period, then as the day went by with no bleeding I was like.. Hmm, I know i'll just take a test. I was dumbfounded when it said pregnant 1-2 weeks.

I've been getting quite a bit of lower abdominal cramping but I've read that most likely means the little peanut is getting snug. A few headaches and a bit of like sickness when I was eating melon before, i just got this wave and was like nope need to put this down!

So many pregnancy vitamins out there.. could you recommend the best?

I've been feeling very nauseous today, not actually like I'm going to be sick but just nauseous constantly - although I've just eaten some cereal bars and a mars bar and that seems to have kept it down a little down - maybe I need to start the constant snacking thing. (Luckily we bought some carrot sticks and cucumber for me to snack on today otherwise I'll be the size of a house before announcing anything haha) I've bought some tonic water too as heard that is supposed to help settle your stomach.

My boobs are also huge - which worried me yesterday as that used to be an AF symptom for me, but I'm feeling more confident about my positive test this morning now. Other then that no symptoms for me, but I think although my EDD is the 11th - I have long cycles so I expect my dating scan will actually put me back - I'm more like 3 weeks plus 5 rather then 4 weeks plus 5 so surprised I'm getting any symptoms at all.
Congratulations Poppy - as long as you're taking folic acid and vit d I don't think it matters - so you could take them individually or go for one's that have other extra's in as well.
Yay, welcome Poppy and Donna!

How is everyone today? My energy is good but my food aversion/mild nausea is present... but also not bad. Scary, wish I could enjoy it!
Well I'm now experiencing more nausea and feeling quite low I think my hormones are in overdrive have cried a few times about missing my husband as he works away a few days a week.
We have a power cut just now like the whole area I live in and also it's again so hot and not helping my nausea.
I'm also mega tired and just can't wait to go to bed tonight.
I'm feeling really nauseous and just want to eat, in particular bread - but I'm trying to avoid too much bread as don't want to bloat too much. :/

I attempted tonic water at work today to keep the nausea at bay and it worked for a while but because I didn't get a break to eat for 3 hours it didn't last long.
I never had much nausea with any pregnancy but I did have some and DEFINITELY had the food aversions! It's frustrating, I am a very careful eater most of the time but it feels like all I can really stomach these days is some kind of bread and cheese combo. I have always told myself to be kind/gentle to myself (I want the baby to feel safe and loved, too, so want to send that kind of energy to myself, if that makes sense) but I get so frustrated with the ability to only eat cr*p food! I'm the same with the bread -- it makes me so swollen/bloated/uncomfortable/TIRED, so it's not just that it's objectively not a healthy food, it's that I am already fighting off feeling like crap so that doesn't help!

But. I won't complain. This time last month I was miscarrying and would have given pretty much anything to be feeling frustrating symptoms instead of losing my baby. 5+3 today, my last little "milestone" for now... by LMP I was 5+3 when I started spotting with my m/c (though by my calculations I think I started spotting more like 4+6) so if I can get through today with no bleeding... I'll feel so much better. I know it's a mind game and doesn't mean anything, god knows I could still miscarry, but it will feel good to get past this point.

Hope you all are doing well. For the nausea last time I had sea bands, they really did seem to help. Oh, and root beer hard candy was my savior!
^^I keep meaning to pick some ginger beer up. I'd send husband to the shop to get some now haha but I don't want to use up all my ''I need this right now'' cards. I'll get some myself tomorrow if I remember.

Yes I'm the same with bread too - but I also do want to try and stay healthy this time around - I gained a ridiculous amount last time with my son (never really weighed myself but I know it must have been 3 or 4 stone if not more) so I really don't want to do that again. Problem is all the foods that are good for nausea are dry unhealthy things.

Sending you loads of good wishes for getting through today, I can only imagine what passing that mile stone will feel like for you

I'm unsure on trying the sea bands as I'd worry people would question why I'm wearing them and guess that I was pregnant before I wanted to let on.
I usually can return to my healthy habits in the second trimester... today I am craving bagels and cream cheese with tomato like I can't even believe, I'm gonna have to drag the kids to the store in a few minutes to stock up.

Yeah I have always had my first trimester in the winter time, so wearing sea bands under long sleeves was no big deal! I didn't even think of that this time, weather is warm and sleeves are short so people will be seeing them... but at least I can wear them around the house.

How are you today, Donna? Any more spotting?
No more spotting :D so that's making me feel a 100% times better, nausea and no spotting will do me just fine.

Cramps down below are quite strong this evening though, I hope that's a good sign and not a bad one.

I'm wearing the sea bands around the house now myself.

Husband bought some bagels just in case I decided I wanted some, I'm trying to be healthy haha - he wants them himself but the temptation is going to be hard to resist. I have a dress to fit into in 3 weeks though so don't want to be anymore bloated than I may be naturally.
Donna, I had really, really scary strong cramps with this pregnancy and with my youngest. They weren't as strong with my miscarriage. So I think that's good.

I ate the bagel and cream cheese and tomato and it wasn't as good as I hoped and then my stomach hurt so I had some ginger candy. I am bloated like crazy, my stomach is huge. I'm 5+3 and don't know how I can hide this for the next 8ish weeks... and I hope I make it that far! I am still so freaking anxious about m/c.
It sounds like you have really strong symptoms Kholl, which all sounds positive. I'm sure you will - at this stage hopefully it's bloating and you won't continue to grow too much before it's time to tell people. I feel like I'm really bloated as well right now, but that's probably a mixture of hormones and the fact that I've had 3 weeks of not so great eating (due to Birthday and being away)

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