********February 2019 mummies*********

Thanks for the reassurance Donna <3

I'm hoping to clean up my eating cause the bloat is uncomfortable too!
I'm really hoping my bloat is from over eating and not pregnancy related. I know it's way to early to be showing, but we have a work event when I'll be 7 or 8 weeks and the dress I had in mind is figure hugging. I'm not sure if I have an alternative for if it doesn't fit or makes me look pregnant. (Don't want people noticing I'm not drinking plus seeing a bloated tummy and putting two and two together).

We just need to get through these next few weeks don't we, first trimester gets easier the further along you get. Bring on those scans.
Hi Lovelies!

I havent been having many symptoms I do just get a pain on the left side of my what im assuming uterus when I need to wee and that is a lot. Took another pregnancy test today.. yup still pregnant.. I can't quite believe it if I'm honest!

I also do get bad headaches and I'm breaking out a bit.. I've never suffered with spots.

Hope everyone else is well!

Sending light, love and happiness

I couldn&#8217;t help myself, I took my last FRER, and a wondfo... they are soooo beautiful!!!


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With the wondfo :)


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Wow some very strong looking lines! Fab.
Well I feel yuck yuck yuck!!!!
Feel sweaty, sick, faint, lethargic...it's hit me now!
How is everyone else? Xx
I don't feel anything today just yet, other than not very hungry but i know I need to eat. I'm sort of just snacking now.

Hope everyone else is ok!!!!!

Ugh Lynsey that is brutal! Hope you feel a little better soon. Are your older kids helpful?

Poppy I&#8217;m hungry but nothing sounds good. I bought this prenatal protein shake and I might try that...

My oldest has her last day of kindergarten today! I am really looking forward to summer break, and having her around.
Kholl, I bet that will give you a good distraction cause the waiting is just brutal! Hope she had a good day!

Hmm, I didn't think about a protein shake.. I'll have a search now. Bought my first pregnancy book today it's so weird because I still don't feel pregnant. My sister said that's normal though will take a few days to sink in!

Can I join you? After 3 years and clomid for ds (now almost 4 ) got this today after first month of officially ttc. Feeling very lucky and praying this sticks x20180608_061719.jpg

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Welcome crazy cat lady :) that's a fab line. Congratulations

I know how you feel Poppy, I don't feel pregnant either - in fact today I didn't have any nausea and it all felt a bit of a dream - so I bought some digital tests. As there were two in the pack I did on when I got home rather than waiting for FMU and there is no denying the PREGNANT that came up. Showed my husband and he said the same, it made it feel more real. Although I wish the nausea had stayed away I'm feeling it again now and I'm giving into my bread cravings :( had a bagel before heading out to the cinema and bought some tear and share garlic bread to go with our pasta this evening. I think I might have to give in and buy some breakfast biscuits or something to nibble on as well in an attempt to keep the morning sickness at bay during the week. I'm still just very aware of how much I gained last time though and don't want to go through that again :( but happy healthy baby is more important than anything else.
I almost bought a pregnancy journal from paperchase today, but then thought it was actually a bit cheap looking for the price they were charging and very restrictive in what you can write in it. I wouldn't mind finding a decent one though - one that prompts you to write certain things but also gives you freedom. I think I might just start my own journal in a plain one though.
Oh CCL welcome!!!! Congratulations! That&#8217;s a beautiful bfp!

Poppy, thanks, it was really great. It&#8217;s so wonderful to have her home now for summer vacation!

I feel exhausted and so nauseated today. I can&#8217;t eat much. We&#8217;ve been invited to dinner at a friends house and we haven&#8217;t told anyone yet (and won&#8217;t for a while, assuming all goes well) and I don&#8217;t know what or how much I&#8217;m going to be able to eat. And I don&#8217;t want to hurt her feelings!
Cross post Donna- the journal is a great idea. Is this your second baby?
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Second but my son is 10 so it feels like a first haha - I missed out on quite a lot when pregnant with him as I was young and not in the best relationship. He really wants a sibling too which is good as I know he's not going to feel pushed out or anything.

Any way of hiding how much you eat? Maybe just say you're not sure if you're coming down with something as haven't been able to eat much lately?
Donna88, It's strange isn't it because even tho there is pregnant showing up on tests.. not much is happening! Although I noticing recurring headaches in the evening along with nausua in the evening. Which I won't mind at all means I can get on with my day and then it'll hit me at night!

See i was thinking about a pregnancy journal as well but I blog so not sure whether to just do it online, although some things i'd want to keep private and just for myself ya know!

Kholl, you should still go, you're friend should understand and when you eventually tell people they will connect the dots!

Crazycatlady, welcome! I Hope you're all ok, how far along are you?
Thanks ladies! Yeah I think I'll be ok, I seem to have classic "morning" sickness in that I only really feel the aversions and nausea the first half of the day. So I guess they gave it that name for a reason... at least in some cases!

I am also IRRITABLE like crazy and waking up crazy early in the mornings (4:30 or so) and not being able to get back to sleep. Oh, and peeing all night. I don't mind. I'll take it all. I am so glad to be pregnant again.
I'm at a mindfulness course this weekend and I'm really struggling. The nausea has increased and when I sit and try to meditate it makes it so much worse as obviously I can't distract myself from the way I am feeling. Also feeling very tired and headache.
Katie I have still not been up at night to use the bathroom but I think it's coming soon and I can totally relate to early morning wakenings. Every morning before my alarm I'm wide awake but it's getting out of bed that I struggle with lol I love being all cosy in the mornings in bed. Xx
Oh Lynsey that sounds awful! The course sounds great though, and hopefully there will be long-term benefits despite the current discomfort.

I felt ok until I ate breakfast and had my protein/chocolate smoothie... now I'm sucking on ginger candy trying not to hurl!

I still have a drawer full of wondfo cheap HPTs and keep taking them just to see those lines. Now the test line is way darker than the control, which I don't think I've ever seen on a wondfo. I know it doesn't automatically mean everything will be ok but my gosh it has just made me feel so much better.
Lynsey a mindfulness course might be just what you need.. something to keep you busy and you might learn something new that you could share with us!

I am actually struggling to sleep at the minute coupled with fatigue so I'm using guided meditation to really help me sleep which is working wonders. I think because this is my first I am reading up on everything I can, learning what everything means and when I try to sleep my mind asks another question and I'm just like "oh I google that then go to sleep!"

Kholl, I am the same with the pregnancy tests, it still doesn't feel real so I just think oh ok I'll take one now and just make sure!

I have noticed I don't feel hungry at all when I wake up or want to eat for at least 2/3 hours. Where's before I would wake up and have my breakfast straight away, now I can't face it and wait! Not many other major symptoms other than my breast have been extremely warm, like my body is normal temp but breasts are roasting!

Hope you've all had a nice day


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