********February 2019 mummies*********

I told them all right away, I couldn't wait because my little one who is 4 is crazy and loves to jump all over me so I thought I better let them know so that I can say you have to be gentle around mummy now!! My older kids are also being very helpful now that they know and offering to carry things for me it's very sweet actually.
When are you thinking about telling your kids?

Today I was at school for an hour in the heat and I must admit I felt quite dizzy/faint more than what I would normally feel.
Had a bit of a gag reflex thing going on but I don't really feel sick today.
A few sharp pains in my uterus also.
Lovely that we can be like bump buddies and share all of our symptoms and worries on here! Xx
I'm getting some pulling pains again, and had some waves of gagging this morning... have you noticed the nausea during pregnancy is different from how it feels otherwise? Does that make sense?

I keep having that "wet" feeling and thinking, oh no, I'm bleeding. And racing to the bathroom. It's so stressful. I just pray all is and will be well.

I have no idea when we will tell the kids, or anyone else. With the recent miscarriage I feel like I just don't want to talk about it at the moment, until things are more secure. After we hear a heartbeat or get our first ultrasound and all looks well, I suppose. Also they'd want to tell people (other kids on our block, or at school) as I don't expect them to keep it a secret, so I will tell them when I'm ready for that, too.
Lynsey, how are you today?

Can’t wait to meet more February mamas!
Hi Katie

I had nightmares last night. Woke up feeling a bit sick but apart from that nothing else. Just feeling quite normal today.
How are you?
I know I'm also looking forward to more Feb girls joining! Where is everyone lol feels like it's been just us for quite a while but I did find out earlier than normal I think xxx
Hi ladies, can I join in and take the 11th please? :)

LMP was the 7th May, so that makes me just gone 3 weeks-ish.

How is everyone doing today? xx
Phillipa yaaaay!!! Hi!

I am doing ok today, definitely felt some symptoms this morning... food aversion, some dizziness, pulling cramps, and irritability -- I got so upset at my oldest for THE dumbest thing... I felt just awful about it! It's good she's old enough I can talk it through/apologize when I mess up and she truly seems to "get" it. Still, I hate getting like that.

I seem to feel more symptomatic the first half of the day, then the second half my only symptom is being starving! It's also hard to tell what's in my head, the same way in the 2-week wait you notice everything and everything becomes a "symptom", during these early days it's the same way. Who knows how I would have felt regardless!

I am 4+5, I still haven't told anyone, still feeling very trepidatious and nervous and trying so hard to stop myself from getting my hopes up. Every time I start to feel giddy/excited I try to talk myself down, in case of another loss. It's so hard, I want to be excited, but I don't think I will be until I start feeling movement or have my first scan or hear the heartbeat via doppler.

With my second I felt movement at 8 weeks (!!!) which was insane but also very reassuring, I'm hoping for the same this time, if I make it that far...

How are you feeling, Phillipa?
Lynsey, I had crazy vivid dreams last night too. Yeah at this point I'm feeling pretty much normal, though was feeling off this morning.
Nice to have you join us Phillipa. I've added you in.
I got my scan date changed and I'm now going a week earlier. Scan is booked for 24th June and then I meet my midwife on 3rd July when I say meet its the same midwife I have had with all of my pregnancies so it will be nice to see her again.

I got my info through today about screening and I need to read that in detail tomorrow.

I also got vouchers for Emma's diary packs which I hope to collect in the next few weeks - I might wait until after my scan to make sure everything is ok before I go getting stuff like that.

Hi girls, I'm doing good thanks, not go much in the way of symptoms yet apart from a small bout of nausea 2 days ago. I've recently started my new job working with horses (just general yard work no riding) and my new pregnancy hasn't sunk in yet!
I have my first midwife appointment on the 9th of July, but like Kholl, am nervous about another potential loss so trying not to get too excited yet until we hit 12 weeks.
Hi Phillipa! I hope your job keeps your mind off things as much as possible, this is such a difficult time... I am trying not to get attached or get my hopes up but it's really not possible to do that 100%.

The last pregnancy, the one that I lost, by my calculations I began spotting at 4+6. By LMP it was 5+3. So I have two mini-milestones to get past, and that's 4+6 and then 5+3 (if that makes sense). I'm 4+6 today, and shaking with terror. One crazy thing is that the night before I started spotting last time, my son woke me in the middle of the night cause he'd wet his bed. Then my daughter wet HER bed after not doing so for over 4 years! Then the next morning the spotting began. Well last night/this morning at 3am, my son woke me up cause he wet his bed. EXACT same timing (pregnancy-wise). It was this horrible and horrific deja-vu, I was convinced it was a sign that today I'd start spotting - like I was just re-playing the scene. So that's part of why I'm more on edge today I guess (that and being awake so much and for so long last night).

I SO don't want to lose this baby, too.

I will say the one thing I feel I've learned from the loss is to take it easier on myself in general; I used to be so hard on myself in the first tri if I didn't eat a certain way or missed exercise days/classes... not now.

How are you ladies feeling today?
Hi Lynsey and Phillipa, how are you feeling today? I’m feeling pretty normal (scary!) aside from pulling cramps. The constant checking for blood is getting exhausting!
Just thread hopping, due in September. Kholl, just thought I would say, I know the feeling after 3 losses and reaching 24 weeks with this one, I still check for blood, don't think I will ever stop. When I hopefully reach September and give birth, it will be nice to actually go to the toilet without spending ages in there checking! It's almost become a ritual thing for me now and it is exhausting, going to sleep gives me some respite from it! I wish you the best and good luck with everything. X x

And good luck to all the other ladies, didn't want to leave anyone out! X x
P.s. Honestly the amount of toilet roll I get through is incredible, ha! Gotta laugh I suppose! X x
Hi I am feeling normal also. Seems very surreal that I'm actually pregnant apart from my bloated tum!
I did a work out today and so glad I did. The only thing was my tummy feels so bloated and looks like I'm already 5 months pregnant! Need to wear loose fitting clothes before people start to ask me about it.
Keeponhopping thank you - hope you manage to relax a bit and enjoy trimester 2. Seems like a lifetime away yet for me - each day feels like a week xx
Yes Lynsey I found out 8 days ago and I’m like it’s only been EIGHT DAYS?!? Sheesh...

Keepon, thanks so much for your post, it helps to read one from someone who’s been there. Congratulations!
Hi Lynsey and Phillipa, how are you feeling today? I’m feeling pretty normal (scary!) aside from pulling cramps. The constant checking for blood is getting exhausting!

Hi Kholl, I seem to be feeing fine during the morning and early afternoon then it seems to suddenly hit me like a ton of bricks! I'm exhausted and want to go to bed, but I'm up at 6:45am for work, and if I sleep now, I'll be awake at silly hours!
Currently no real symptoms apart from the odd cramping, trapped wind etc, so waiting for everything to happen at once in a couple of weeks!

I got my positive yesterday. Please add me to 7th Feb! Same due date as my 1st baby boy.

Yay, welcome Puglover!

Phillipa, I’m the opposite it seems, I feel worse the first half of the day then the second half I’m just eating everything in sight. However I woke up feeling totally fine today so of course I’m worried.

How is everyone feeling today?
I'm feeling fine and also like you say it makes me worried!
The only symptom I really have today is no appetite I'm having to force myslef to eat but I don't feel sick.
It's so hot today I'm enjoying the sunshine and planning for my holiday in July. I just started thinking I hope I'm not really sick then as I will be 10 weeks or so when we go and it will be very hot and being hot and sick doesn't sound good.
Hope everyone is is doing ok!
It's crazy that we are wishing symptoms upon ourselves but I know what u mean kholl u just want to know everything is progressing and hormone building xxx

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