********February 2019 mummies*********

Mystery- My heart breaks for you. I'm so, so sorry. I don't know what to say, I can't imagine. Thinking of you. Hang in there. <3
Mystery - I am so sorry to read this :( sending you lots of love !!! Xxx

Khôl, your last post gives me hope! I have been feeling suite nauseated the last few weeks and am 8+4 today (9 following midwife opinion but my cycles were longer than what she counted!). Fingers crossed that bloody morning sickness goes away soon ! Such a killer !!

Scan date received yesterday... waiting until the 10th of August will feel like forever !
So sorry to hear Mystery, sending hugs your way xxx

I have my first scan on the 2nd August! I'm so nervous but excited at the same time, hubby has already booked the morning off work, and I am looking for my first pair of baby booties for our announcement to people on FB.

How is everyone else getting on?
Mystery your post made me feel so sad for you. Im really sorry <3 Thinking of you.
So nausea disappeared this week and has been replaced by the worse heartburn I have ever experienced - ever (well probably not the worse I had heartburn last time I was pregnant as well) but I'd forgotten how horrible it is. Hopefully I won't have it as bad this time around, I had to send my husband to the shop at 1 in the morning to get some Gaviscon as I just couldn't sleep with it.

Reason I say hopefully it won't be as bad is I'm more aware this time around, last time I was eating very unhealthily - just eating whatever I wanted really. This time I'm already being more healthy but I've also now looked up foods to avoid if you get heartburn so I will attempt to try some of them as well. So no fatty foods, no tomato based things (that's going to be hard to be honest as we eat a lot of things like chilli and spag bol), no spicy things (another hard one), no chocolate (would have been hard before I got pregnant but not as much of an issue now as I'm not a huge sweet fan anymore - I'm assuming I can probably still have white chocolate too if I fancy a little) and no citrus fruit. It's going to be hard but if it means I avoid the heartburn it will be worth it.

I also got my hospital booking in appointment through yesterday - for yesterday at 1.30 - so as I was at work when the post came I missed it, husband got back before me and phoned them to explain the letter only got here yesterday and they've rearranged it for Monday. I will speak to them then about when my scan date will be and hopefully they'll be able to sort it so it's not while we're away.
Donna I had no idea how excruciating heartburn could be until I got it with my first pregnancy and thought I was going to pass out from the pain. The thing that works the best by far is baking soda. I'll drink about 2 teaspoons of baking soda in water (and I'll often add apple cider vinegar too, which is just a miracle cure-all) and within 5 minutes the pain is gone. Like, literally ZERO. I can't recommend the baking soda enough. It'll make you burp like crazy but it eliminates the pain.

Phillipa, hi!! Your scan will be here before you know it! August 2nd is so close. How far along will you be?

I am feeling so much movement in the evenings, it's absolutely wonderful. I will be 12 weeks on Tuesday, I am so excited to be approaching the second trimester!
Phillipa, hi!! Your scan will be here before you know it! August 2nd is so close. How far along will you be?

Kholl, I'll be 12+4 or there abouts when I have my scan.
Not far away at all no, and I'm celebrating my 29th on the Friday 27th, so it'll come by so fast I reckon! Can't wait to see my tiny person for the first time!

Who are you doing today Kholl?
Hi ladies, I'm just on holiday so catching up quickly before everyone wakes up!

Mystery, so sorry to hear your news :(

I am seriously crashing and burning here......I've been in bed every night by 8.30 feeling quite shocking, but I'm full of energy again come morning. I'd also forgotten how badly you burn while pregnant so I caught the sun on the first day and have been slathering on the factor 50 since then!
Oh I remember being pregnant in Barbados and getting badly burnt on the first day. Skin is def more sensitive. That was my first pregnancy. This time around I've not seen much daylight.. on a positive I feel slightly better. I have not been sick for 2 days. Still don't feel good but the relief from not vomiting has been welcomed.

I have my scan on Friday for the nuchal test.im not sure if I get the results on the day or have to wait as I did give blood before and she asked for my consent to do the test. She also told me aty scan appointment I would also meet with a consultant even although I'm midwife led so I'm assuming it's for results. Who knows?!
Donna I have not had heartburn yet however from previous pregnancies it's a problem for me in the third trimester.
How is everyone doing?
We should set up a facebook group soon. I see some of the other group months have done so xx
I have my booking in appointment with midwife tomorrow. I'm excited but also nervous. I was lucky and had same midwife for first 3 kids and for number 4 the midwife was a very experienced lady who had been my mother in laws midwife 25 years ago and had trained my previous midwife. This time we are in a new area and the system is completely different. I'm also nervous they will be judgey that this is number 5 and we are in esa because hubby has had health issues over the last few years. Things are picking up though and we plan on him setting up his own business soon but I am embaressed to be the benefit family with too many kids. Truth is were just hippies who love having a big family, I'm not getting any younger and Don't want to wait any longer for anymore kids. I'm sure it will be fine but still, these thoughts keep creeping in.
Mystery, I am so sorry to hear that. I hope you are as ok as you can be. xx
I'm sure they won't be judgey greenflowers :) They're there to support not judge, plus I'm sure they will have seen much worse.

I have my booking in appointment at the hospital as well. A bit confused as to who I will be seeing more the midwife at the hospital or the midwifes near me. Not that it matters too much either way. Really hope I can get a date for my scan tomorrow as well. Will be nice to just know.
I hope I get mine soon too Donna. Good luck! In my old area the gp booked the scan as soon as you find out your pregnant. Here you don't see gp and apparently midwife books it but I'm thinking it will take a while to get the appointment through. I'm 11 weeks already so doubt I'll get it next week. But I Absoloutly can't wait for the scan!!!!
When I had my son GP didn't book it but you had to see them and they referred you to the hospital and your midwife. You still had to wait for the hospital to contact you though with an appointment.

I'm hoping that as I have to see the midwives at the hospital today, even if it is usually just send an appointment through the post - I'll be able to book it today with us being away. Otherwise chances are I'll come back home from our holiday to a letter about a scan which has already passed. Wasting everyone's time if I've already told them I'll be away then.

Really can't wait for the scan though.
I feel your frustration I would be worried too! You will be thinking about it the whole time your away.

Funny how everything is different in different areas. I have heard good things about this area.
I just had to phone up the maternity switchboard when I found out I was pregnant she then gave me 2 dates on the phone , one was the booking appt and the other was the scan appt and she asked if I could make those dates and then said I would also get a letter. So I have known my scan date since I was about 4 weeks pregnant! I go on Friday 27th July. 12 weeks tomorrow! I'm so ready to move into 2nd trimester! Xx
Green flowers I wouldn't worry about that. They won't judge you. I worked in maternity services for 2 years both in hospital and community and the last thing midwives are there to do is judge. They see it all...you have nothing to worry about xx
My mum and my husband are both adamant that I'm starting to show already (11 wks today), but I've always had a bit of a belly podge, so I'm undecided!
Who fancies showing off their little bumps? I'm aware Kholl has a fair one going already! :)
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