********February 2019 mummies*********

With my 3rd I had a bump by 10 weeks and was in maternity wear at 10 weeks. I'm 12 weeks tmrw and still in my usual clothes and no bump yet just a bit more bloated than normal. I thought because this was the 4th I would be showing by now but I guess pregnancies are all different. X
Haha yep, I’m huge! I looked like this at 24ish weeks with my first. I’m 12 weeks tomorrow!


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You were all right. Absoloutly no need to worry. She was amazing. So friendly and enthusiastic. She was really excited I want a home birth and said she's on call all the time and lives round the corner from me so she hopes she gets to deliver baby. She made me feel really great about everything, I couldn't ask for a nicer midwife. She said to expect scan appointment around 13 /14 weeks. I have to have a consultant check up because it's my 5th but it's only routine so shouldn't worry.

I think I'm Definitly showing but I have a wobbly middle anyway so only hubby and I can tell lol. I'm expect I g to pop big time about the time kids to back to school lol
I'm not showing yet, tummy is bloated but its definitely tummy and not bump haha. I'm hoping I don't suddenly pop while on our cruise as there are people we don't want to tell until after our scan and I'd rather it not be obvious when we do tell them.
Bloody hell Kholl! That's quite a bump for only 12 weeks!

greenflowers, that's the same with me, a bit wibbly around the middle! I'll try and get a photo up tomorrow morning when I'm not full of pasta!

Ooh Donna88, when/where are you off to on your cruise?
I've got my scan in less than 2 weeks, when do you have yours?
^^I don't have a date yet but midwife thinks it will be about 13 weeks I'll end up with it, I've said I don't want the downs syndrome etc screening as we wouldn't want the further tests and if they came back with a high chance we wouldn't do anything about it anyway - so she said that doesn't matter as much.

We go to the baltics, so loads of lovely cities, Helsinki, St Petersburg, Tallin, Oslo etc. I can't wait - I just hope I'm not as tired as I have been this week.
^^I don't have a date yet but midwife thinks it will be about 13 weeks I'll end up with it, I've said I don't want the downs syndrome etc screening as we wouldn't want the further tests and if they came back with a high chance we wouldn't do anything about it anyway - so she said that doesn't matter as much.

We go to the baltics, so loads of lovely cities, Helsinki, St Petersburg, Tallin, Oslo etc. I can't wait - I just hope I'm not as tired as I have been this week.

Ah fair enough, my husband and I have talked about the DS tests but I'm still not 100% sure if I want to go through with them or not.

The cruise sounds lovely, hope you have a lovely time! Hope your fatigue calms down enough so you can fully enjoy it all :)
^^It's a very personal choice and I don't think there is a right or wrong answer to it :) it's completely up to you and you do need to consider it and discuss it with each other.
The tests are a very personal choice, yes. We declined the screening tests because 1) we didn't want to find out the sex of the baby anyway and 2) they're just screening tests and often cause more anxiety than they're worth. Especially because you need to get an amnio to get confirmation, and that comes with a (tiny, but still there) miscarriage risk. And I wouldn't risk the amnio, and wouldn't terminate a pregnancy anyway, regardless of diagnosis, so I didn't see the point of doing the screening tests. I'm sure before long they'll come up with blood tests that give a diagnosis, but we're not there yet.

I know with something like Down syndrome, there can be "soft markers" that they can identify at the 20-week scan, so I'll see how that goes I guess. Next thing to worry about!
^^We don't find out the sex with the screening tests here - that's at the 20 week scan.

I could be wrong but the impression I got from the midwife today is it's bloods when you have your dating scan for the DS and Edwards syndrome tests (plus something else), it's the blood tests I've declined for similar reasons to you - I wouldn't want the further tests due to the risk of miscarriage and also if it came back with a high chance we wouldn't terminate the pregnancy anyway. Some people prefer to have the tests so they can prepare themselves if there is a high chance though - which again is a completely personal choice, but you could prepare yourself and then everything be fine.
So here is my "bump", can't tell if it actually is a small bump forming or if I've just got fat! :wall2:

What do you ladies think?


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Wow Kholl your bump is impressive!! And how cute Phillipa, your bump is defiantly appearing! Ill have to post mine, although i feel there is nothing there yet.

Regarding the tests me and my partner have opted for them. Im still really confused by my dates. A couple of friends I have told have said I should be calculationg from the first day of my last period, but when I last went for the heartbeat scan I was 2 weeks under my weeks. I cant wait for my 12 week scan to finally get a definate date!

How are you all?
Phillipa, definitely a little bump beginning!

Bubbles you calculate from first day of last period only if you don’t know when you ovulated. If you know when you ovulated, then you calculate from that day (the day you ovulated you are, bafflingly, two weeks pregnant).

I know the bump is insane. I’m embarrassed to tell people when I’m due!
Hi ladies, I’m back from our short break and ready to get started on my mountain of washing ☹️

I have my midwife booking in appointment in a few days and then just a couple of weeks until my 12 week scan, we opted for nuchal screening last time and will again, but it’s a very personal decision.

Also getting the start of a little bump here, I was going to wash all of my maternity clothes (they’ve been in the loft), but don’t know if I’m tempting fate!
Feel like all I do is moan and be negative since I was 6 weeks pregnant. I'm really feeling quite down now. Barely left the house in months and my kids are on summer hols and I can barely do anything with them. My husband has went back to work now so I'm trying to go it alone while feeling so crappy and all I want to do is sleep as it's the only time I don't feel so sick. I have stopped being sick in the last few days but I still feel sick if you know what I mean. Really hoping to get BK to my usual self soon. Feeling so guilty aswell for feeling this bad. I realise I use this forum to moan about all this but I am so grateful to be pregnant and just wish I could enjoy and embrace it. Even started thinking maby I'm just lazy and this is all in my head and then I get all upset. Hormones are crazy right now.
Phillipa that looks like a cute little bump you have starting there!

Gemsy I got rid of all my maternity wear because I thought we were finished having babies.

I've started looking online for some nice maternity outfits as I'm hoping to buy some in the next few weeks. My husband says I'm loosing weight tho and I keep wearing baggy dresses for comfort reasons just now as anything round my waist makes the sickness worse. Xx
Phillipa that looks like a cute little bump you have starting there!

Gemsy I got rid of all my maternity wear because I thought we were finished having babies.

I've started looking online for some nice maternity outfits as I'm hoping to buy some in the next few weeks. My husband says I'm loosing weight tho and I keep wearing baggy dresses for comfort reasons just now as anything round my waist makes the sickness worse. Xx

Sorry it seems you've been feeling a bit naff recently, hopefully things will pick up for you soon! :)

I also had a little nosey at some maternity clothes last week, luckily I still fit into my jeans (6ft and broad means I buy men's jeans!). Currently living out of my skirt or dress if I go out, otherwise I'm in a vest and sarong at home.

I assume you're in the UK as you say your kids are off on school hols?
Yes I'm in Scotland so we are currently over half way through the holidays. I have about 3 weeks left and I'm hoping to at least have a few days where I can get out and about and do things with the kids. My husband was great when he was off for 2 weeks he took them out for day trips and really looked after us all. Def missing him now as he works away long hours here and every week goes away for 3 days to England to work.
I'm going to try and hang a washing outside as it's lovely...something that used to be such a typical part of my day now feels like such a chore.
I'm wondering if I feel worse because I'm older now... With my last kids I was in my 20s this is my first in 30s. What age is everyone here? I am 32 xx
Yes I'm in Scotland so we are currently over half way through the holidays. I have about 3 weeks left and I'm hoping to at least have a few days where I can get out and about and do things with the kids. My husband was great when he was off for 2 weeks he took them out for day trips and really looked after us all. Def missing him now as he works away long hours here and every week goes away for 3 days to England to work.
I'm going to try and hang a washing outside as it's lovely...something that used to be such a typical part of my day now feels like such a chore.
I'm wondering if I feel worse because I'm older now... With my last kids I was in my 20s this is my first in 30s. What age is everyone here? I am 32 xx

Ah right ok, well at least it's not too hot up in Scotland, I'm in Hampshire and I haven't left the house at all today because it's so hot!
Can't be easy having your hubby go away every week, he'll take leave when the new sprog arrives?

Age wise, I'll be 29 this Friday! :-o Where has the year gone!
Lynsey, I’m 36. I’m so, so sorry you feel so bad. I get it, with 3 young kids, there’s just no room to feel so bad!

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