********February 2019 mummies*********

Yeah, I suppose we could go private if we wanted and then pick our own appointments - but we really can't afford that and would rather spend the money on things baby needs.

Has anyone done any shopping for baby yet? I haven't which although it's early surprises me (but to be honest we haven't really looked anywhere, I think we're subconsciously avoiding baby things as we know it's early on) as we used to look at baby stuff all the time when we were talking about trying. We might go to a big outlet shop the week after next (if it's still open as I think it's closing down soon) as people got some really good deals for someone we work with there recently for their baby shower. We've also been looking at buying some cotton nappies, but husband seems to think we should hold off until we know the sex as we can ask that they don't send any that are overly the other sex - however I think we should just either send a note asking for neutral only (as I prefer those one's anyway) or sell on any gender specific one's that aren't the right colours.
TBH I don't think I'll be doing much shopping! I kept everything from last time round, so it will just be coming out of the loft!
And yeah alwayscoffee - no deductibles would sure be nice! As would universal health care, all things equal. I know people love to complain about the health care system in the US but we really do have it pretty good here, people don't realize how good we have it. And the quality of care is unmatched. It does get frustrating when you get hit with huge bills for things that aren't covered, but overall I am very grateful to live here and to have the systems and care that we do.
Donna, I hope you get an appointment that works for you! It is crazy how different it works here (I'm in the US); yeah we don't have universal health insurance but at least we are in control of appointments etc; we'd never be told when our appointment is, we make them for ourselves, which does simplify things.

Mystery I am so sorry about the anxiety, I know the days leading up to my scan I was an absolute basket case and there was no way I could have waited even one more second to find out that baby was ok. What are your symptoms these days? How are you feeling overall? Any spotting at all?

Lynsey, yes, we have the same due date now! I'm SO sorry about the nausea, that sounds awful :(

Sleepyhead I'm sure the scan will go great! I hope we get to see wedding pics :) Will you go on a honeymoon after?

I had bad insomnia last night, which seems to be my only symptom these days. Well, and peeing 8+ times a night and a hundred times a day. Which contributes to the insomnia!

Aside from being tired as hell with a 6 month old baby to look after and the craziest nightmare about my house being haunted last night I’ve not really had any symptoms
I have had so many crazy vivid dreams. Every night I have loads.
Tried some weetabix and strawberries today but couldn't keep it down then husband made me cheese pasta and I've kept that down! You would think the healthier stuff would stay down but it seems to be bagels and cream cheese and now cheese pasta that I can keep down.
I have not really looked at much for baby apart from the crib that attaches to bed as I def want to get that this time.
I've also thought about a few names. I have my girl name but really nothing for a boy. My kids I have already are Ashton, Eva and Juliet. Xx
We've got names as well and also struggling with boys names, find them so difficult. Will probably be having a boy for that reason haha.
I love the cots that attach to the bed, however would be no good for us as our dog shares our bed and he would get in with the baby if we had one of those.
Hello! I think I'm due on 9th of Feb. With no 5. Very excited but still a bit wary we are getting excited too fast lol. Can't wait for my scan. Morning sickness is not great, only seem to be able to keep down white carbs. Living on jacket potato and crackers right now lol. We had to tell the other kids because they were worried about me being Ill and I couldn't hide it. They are very very excited but I feel bad that something might happen and they be disappointed. I have 3 girls and oldest is a boy. He really wants a brother but understands it might not happen. I'm looking forward to having a chat on here. I used the old bounty chat room with my others but that seems to have gone now. Hope you are all well.
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Hi green welcome

Nothing new here really except I swear I’ve felt some movement lol
Welcome green flowers!

Zero name discussion here... I might just let my husband decide this time, ha!

Mystery that's so exciting!!! I started feeling movement around 9 weeks and now I feel baby every day (I'm 11 weeks tomorrow). It's soooo reassuring.

Can't believe I only have a couple more weeks in the first tri. Can't wait to get to the second!
Mystery and Kholl, id love to feel something at this point! Can you describe the feeling?
I'm nowhere near feeling movement yet

Had a really bad day at work, I really can't be bothered with tomorrow :( Oh well, 3 more days and I'm done.
It feels like when you hold a bag with a goldfish and the goldfish taps the side... have you ever experienced that? It also feels a way that’s very hard to describe, I guess!

Also, I have seriously popped. Yikes.


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Wow you have popped! I am looking forward to getting bumpy. I feel a bit swollen but it's not noticeable. Part of me wants to be mean and not tell my friends. Just start waddling round with my big bump like nothings happening. I couldn't keep quiet that long though lol.

On Monday My sickness suddenly went from unbearable and can only eat jacket potato s to completely gone. Usually it filters off slowly around 12 weeks. I'm trying to be happy. Boobs are going for it though lol! How are you all feeling?
Wow kholl that's a very cute bump. Have you told people yet? If not I'm pretty sure they're all guessing lol

It is true that you show quicker with your 2nd and so on, I already have a teeny bump when I lift my belly up :rofl:
Hi girls
I have my appointment in 2 hours at the early pregnancy assesment at the hospital. Had bleeding for 4 days. Trying to stay positive!
It feels like when you hold a bag with a goldfish and the goldfish taps the side... have you ever experienced that? It also feels a way that’s very hard to describe, I guess!

Also, I have seriously popped. Yikes.

You sure have!! I love it <3 It's a cute bump!

I can't wait to feel my little bean inside!
Hi girls
I have my appointment in 2 hours at the early pregnancy assesment at the hospital. Had bleeding for 4 days. Trying to stay positive!

oh no! Is it light bleeding? Bright red blood? Cramps?

Thinking of you <3 Keep us updated!

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