Ugh I am so mad at myself, I have a home doppler and I swore not to use it and to wait until the ultrasound... well today I feel COMPLETELY normal, even the bloat I've had the last few weeks is gone and my energy is great and no nausea... I figured, I'm 10 weeks tomorrow I might be able to hear the heartbeat, so I tried. I tried for a while. And I couldn't find it. And I am absolutely panicked. I wish I hadn't tried, what was I thinking?!? I know it's early, and for most women too early, but with my first baby they found it right away at this stage... god, I don't know how I'm going to wait until Wednesdays for this ultrasound. I don't know how I'm going to cope if I'm going to have another miscarriage. I am just so worried right now.
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