February 2017 Mummies - First Trimester

Hi ladies,

Firstly I'd like to say sorry for the people who have experienced losses, it is hard and my thoughts are with you! ��

I have been following this group for two weeks now since I got my BFP but was too scared to join until I had my first scan. All was well and we were delighted to see our lovely baby with a strong heartbeat. Delighted and nervously excited!!!

This will be our fourth pregnancy in our bumpy TTC journey. We have one 6 yr old daughter who has been dying for a brother or sister and we can't wait to tell her the wonderful news but will definitely wait. Unfortunately we had a miscarriage at 6 wks for the first pregnancy and a miscarriage at 19 wks for our third pregnancy four years ago. But, we are hopeful all will be well this time !!!!

I'm still quite in shock that we are pregnant and although my morning (all day) sickness is terrible, I'm walking around with a big smile on my face! I wish everyone the best of luck and look forward to sharing our journeys together.

I would love to join the FB group too please. My name is Lisa Doyle and my profile picture is of my daughter and I in a close- up face picture, turned slightly sideways.

I'm going to set up a tracker but until then, happy to say I'll be starting week 9 tomorrow and am due 23 February! ��
I'm also leaving.

I had a scan this morning that confirmed I miscarried over the weekend.

Good luck to the rest of you. Some of you will be coming up to 12 wks so almost out of the danger zone and hopefully past the sickness :)

If anyone else is worried because they don't have many symptoms, don't worry. I didn't have any nausea with my last pregnancy and I had no complications at all.

Sadly this time it was not meant to be xx

I'm so sorry! Wish it could have been better news!
Anyone else have have swollen ankles? It seems I can't go more than a few minutes on my feet without my ankles swelling up.
No I've only just started getting them this week, and I have a couple of long term conditions that could be contributing to my getting them lol. Actually weirdly they don't worry me.... Although it might be worth mentioning them to the midwife.
I had my first appointment and scan today! There is actually a baby( was worried they'd just find an empty sac)! It measured exactly 10l 2 days which matches my calculations exactly:)
Hey ladies, how are you all doing? I think my nausea is finally easing slightly - still mega tired though.

Quick question (and apologies in advance for TMI) - I've gone from constipation to diarrhoea for the last 2 weeks - it isn't like I'm running to the loo every 2 minutes, but when I go (since I've been pregnant its every 3/4 days) it's watery and crampy in my belly. Is anyone else having this? I do have a tilted womb - could this be the cause?
Good morning :)
Finally have my scan tomorrow. Nervous but excited.
Still having an awful time with sickness but doc put me on tablets to try help because they were worried I was going to become dehydrated. Grim.
Congrats little _ pip glad all went well
Hope you scan is good missddk!
Glad all went wel little_pip!
It's like a ghost town in here.
I finally have my scan date through for 12th August when I should be 13 weeks ��
Can't believe it's only 2 more weeks left in tri 1 for me ����
I've noticed how quiet we are. I too have another scan at the hospital today. This time done by a consultant so hopefully they'll fine bubs today. The one thing is that I'm not gonna allow them to give me methotrexate as they wish to, as a few times over the last week I've actually felt a light fluttering in my tummy....

Anyone else started preparation for bubs arrival? I've just started knitting a baby blanket....
Fingers crossed for you Sharon P.

I was really surprised by how many scans have been planned for me. Just for now, I have scans at 12 weeks, a long one at 16 weeks and another long one at 20 weeks. I also have been scheduled a few appointments with the midwife (without scan). Not complaining though!
Those are the standard scans I believe. Unfortunately none of my scans have been the standards ones at the moment, as they STILL cannot find any baby, despite that the HCG has slightly risen (though it's still very low).
Hey everyone, I've been quiet as the sickness is still with me unfortunately, I've got my scan next Thursday. Fingers crossed for you Sharon x
Oooh Nic Ive got my scan next Thurs too! Cant believe Im 11+2 weeks! X

Wow little_pip is there a reason they are scanning you so often? Are you consultant led? routine scans are just 12 & 20 weeks, midwife appointment at 16 weeks well that is what I had with my LG and all I have booked this time.

Sharon I hope you get some good news soon and they find your shy baby.

Eek can't wait to see some scan pics soon! Xx

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