any1 else feeling like this ....


Well-Known Member
Nov 12, 2008
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Hi All

For the last week I have felt absolutely dreadful, lost my appetite, feel queasy and I'm so tired all the time just want to lie down all day and night. I don't know if this is normal but I have absolutely no energy nor motivation to do anything. Any1 elses feeling like this? Will this go soon? The only thing I can eat is chocolate at the moment (bloody typical!!)
I was quite lucky and only experiencing actual 'morning' sickness until a couple of days ago - now I have my head down the loo on a regular basis throughout the day and night. What's not helping is that whatever food I can taste on the way back up is then off my eating list (sorry I know thats gross).

I can no longer have tea, chocolate, melon, garlic dip or gravy.

Crisps still seem to be keeping me alive although I'm not sure they're the healthiest thing for the baby!

I have been feeling tired and unmotivated for weeks now - my business has pretty much ground come to a halt as I'm unable to deal with anything. My house also looks like a bombs hit it as I start cleaning and then have to be sick or need a rest. Other half now has man flu too so think it'll stay a state for a while!

I've always said I want more than one child but not sure I'll ever be willing to go through this again - and I'm only 8 weeks in!
i posted this this question the other day as im passed the 12 week stage and feel absoltly rubbish still my main problem is always wanting to sleep
I had a word with nhs and I have been advised to get my blood test done earlier due to lack of iron ......
Hope you feel better soon
I occasionally feel nauseous but this usually passes fairly quickly - most of the time I am just STARVING and cramming everything I see down my face!

However, the fatigue is becoming absolutely crippling. Between 2pm and 3pm this afternoon I had to sit in the office as I literally could not get up I was so tired - was really fighting to stay awake. Had to fight it off as I had a patient to see at 3pm! Managed only by cramming a load of sweets down my throat to get a bit of a sugar boost, but it's wearing off now and I can feel my eyes trying to close again.

It sounds like what you are experiencing is pretty normal honey x
I'm struggling with the tiredness at the moment too. Looking after Jessy all day is so tiring and my house is a tip but I feel like I can't keep on top off anything right now. When Jess sleeps in the afternoon instead of doing my housework and washing I've been taking a book to bed and having a read and a sleep :sleep: Also when I am getting round to doing anything I feel like it takes 100x longer then normal at the minute

Hoping this hurries up and passes for us all soon :hug:
I feel the same. I guess I need a blood test maybe iron defecincy as i just gave birth 6 months ago!
I just wish I had the time to do it :(
:hug: hun its completely normal the tiredness is so hard to describe to anyone who hasn't felt it before but we know what you going through :hug:

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