February 2006 Babies

my baby is due the 19th feb 2006
hope 2 hear frm u soon xx
i meant that it is due on the 10th not the 19th lol
silly me lol
Hi Girls

I'm another to join the February Baby Club. I'm due on 14 February with my 2nd child.

Jan S
oooh, a valentine's baby if he/she arrives on the due date!! i'm due on the 5th and my dad is hoping for a very special birthday present - although i hope baby doesn't hang on for that long as dad's birthday is on the 17th!!!
Im due on the 11th of Feb. Im so excited, just as excited as I was with my first. Still at the stage of worrying though hoping everything will we be fine. Ive just got my first scan date through this morning so im also very excited about that.
If anyone ever wants a chat feel free to message me :)
Emma xxxx :D
hi there im due on the 10th february with my second child.

im so excited already although its early days


Hiya - my baby's due on 16 February. I'm kind of puzzled as to how they figure it out so precisely though.

I have/had PCOS so had v. irregular cycles and didn't really believe the initial dates I was given based on my LMP, but had a scan yesterday and based on that the dr announced I was 9 wks and 5 days gone - how do they figure that out?

Anyway - February works out well for us as my partner has 2 kids already with December birthdays so what with those and Xmas we need a bit of a break before another birthday ;o)

my baby is due on the 20th of February! I can't wait....I am so excited, but God, what a worrier I am!

Mel xx
had my due date changed at my scan today, it's now 2nd of february!
Im due on Feb 18th (altugh Im in Australia so that might be the 19th in the UK!!!)
was due on the 20th of feb, but had another scan, and good news is it's now on the 17th!!! :lol:

mel xx
I thought i was due on 14th Feb but i went for my first scan today and i'm due on the 15th.
Hi'ya just thought i would let you know i'm due on Feb 12th 06, i'm no loger pregnant, but wish everyone eles loads of luck x
hi its poohbear

just to let you know i have had my first scan and they have comfirmed the due date of febuary 1st 2006.
Things are going really great no morning sickness, a few headaches.

started buying baby stuff i cant believe how much baby stuff has changed since my daughter who is 5 years old on the 24th august.

I hope things are going ok for all

best wishes :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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