February 2006 Babies


Just thought I would see how everyone is doing with their pregnancies? Hope all is going well!

x x x x x
Hi Leannie

Its very quiet in here isn't it?

I'm full of cold today so I'm having a duvet day!! Are you feeling better than you were? Hows the temperature?

Hiya Sunshine

I cant believe how quiet it is! Im feeling so crap at the mo. Sitting at my desk at work wishing i was in bed! Im absolutely shattered! Sorry to hear your not feeling too good. There is a lot of horrible things going around. My temperature was 35 celcius (sp). It says on my fever scan that 37 is the correct temp. I will see how it is tonight, if its still down I might phone midwife. I dont really like bothering them though - daft isnt it!!! Hope you feel better soon!
x x x x x
Hello people, My baby is due 18th feb!! Nice time of the year to have a baby l think.... you dont get as hot and bothered. Instead, wrap up in blankets on the sofa with a nice hot chocolate!! :lol:
Hi there laura can you add me to the list im 16th feb 06!
Sorry everyone - I update the due date threads using the 'Watch this Topic' facility, but for some reason that had turned itself off for me and I wasn't getting notified when people added their date to the thread! I've turned it on again, hopefully it won't let me down this time :oops:
Hi Laura

could you add me to the feb baby club. i am due on the 2 february, even though i will be having a c section in January.

hi! I'm also due on 10th Feb. thanks for adding me to the list
Hi Laura, i'm due on 15th Feb. Please can you add me to the list too? Thanks!! x

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