Favourite part of your cycle?


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2009
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This is probably a bit of a weird question, but what's your favourite part of a cycle?

Obviously it's a bit depressing starting another cycle because you were hoping that the last one would be the one, but I have to admit I quite like the bit once the :witch: has buggered off.

It makes me feel sort of hopeful like this month might be the one.

And I think the 2ww is probably the worst bit, because you know that you've done everything you can and there's nothing more you can do. You've just got to wait. And there's the risk of testing too soon and disappointing yourself or knowing that AF is on the way. It always puts me in a bad mood.

But at least at the start once AF has finished you can get back to :bd: ;)
I just wrote in RachaelLouise's TTC Journal that it's actually quite exciting starting a new cycle! From the point of view there's the thought "it could be THIS month", all the BD-ing, the feeling hopeful and excited!

2WW is deffo the worst though and the symptom spotting - I think I will only get worse as time goes on!

Best part is around Day 7, AF is completely gone, my sex drive is up and I'm cheerful and ready to try yet again.

Worst part is definitely the day AF comes, hormones make me cry and throw things
I dunno, i actually like the 2WW lol

More specifically the second half :)

I get the chance to "play pregnant" just for a little while until i get hit with reality.

I think the worst bit is the first part of my cycle, before OV when i'm still bitter about my BFN.

OV is alright i guess but i worry about the if the sex is working or not.
in a conversation with a friend about her pregnancy, she mentioned that the docs count day 1 as first day of your period so I love it when OH says at the start of a cycle that we're pregnant until proven otherwise.

I like the first few weeks (long cycles so get over 2 weeks between period finishing and ov) - I'm so full of energy and always feel like I can achieve anything.
Hey. I would say I like the week after af has finished. More optimism and no feeling of it's too late. From then on, 2ww etc, just one big pain in the arse for me. I'm currently in 2ww, cd 28 and don't know if af will come Tuesday like it has previously on cd 30 or cd 37 like last month. Hate, hate, hate it. A whole week of BFN and false hope to come! (I'm in a bad mood today lol)

Hey. I would say I like the week after af has finished. More optimism and no feeling of it's too late.

I totally agree about the 'too late' thing. I am optimistic every single month at this time (you'd have thought i would learn by now that I'm unlikely to get pregnant!)

I get a bit down as soon as ovulation is over because i know there is nothing more i can do and that's frustrating. And i always always wish we'd tried harder somehow.

I end up obsessing about my diet and how much i'm drinking and whether i should cut down on the pickled onions etc because it's all that is left that i can do. I hate that....
I love the last day of AF, when I know we can BD as much as possible and do everything we can to give it a good chance. I hate, hate, hate, hate, hate, HATE the 2ww... Which I think I'm in! x x
It's all a pain in the ass at the moment, it's such a tease and plays with my emotions!

I don't like any part of it!

Kind of joking.....I think.?!!

It's all a pain in the ass at the moment, it's such a tease and plays with my emotions!

I don't like any part of it!

Kind of joking.....I think.?!!


I hear ya maybe baby!xx
Well we are 4 days in to cycle 2 and atm I am feeling quite optimistic as I know we have time to keep trying so we are going to do just that and :pray: that we are lucky!
I know what you mean Louise about 'playing pregnant' in the 2WW as that is what I kind of did last cylce, but then I guess you just feel even more upset when you get the BFN or the :witch: arrives :roll:
I think the best part of any cycle WILL be the day you get your BFP!! :love:

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