2nd part of cycle too short?


Well-Known Member
May 15, 2008
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at the mo my cycles are about 23/24 days long so ive estimated im ov around day 10, but im getting more ov sypmptoms a few days later. if the 2nd part of the cycle isnt long enough can this hinder ttc? help :(
dina.marie said:
at the mo my cycles are about 23/24 days long so ive estimated im ov around day 10, but im getting more ov sypmptoms a few days later. if the 2nd part of the cycle isnt long enough can this hinder ttc? help :(

Hi sweetie.

If your luteal phase (the second part) is less than 10 days, it can cause the fertilized egg not to have enough time to properly implant. What it means if your luteal phase isn't long enough is that you have a progesterone problem. There are several ways to go about treating this, depending on whether you want to go the drugs or natural remedies route. I've heard that agnus castus is good for regulating progesterone levels (am about to try it myself as I have progesterone issues). Also, just make sure that you're taking a good multivit and folic acid and eating properly, as all these things will help your cycle do what it's supposed to do naturally.

Hope this helps! :hug:

you give good advise melissa :clap:

we are lucky to have you!! :hug:
Awww, that's really sweet; thanks! :hug: All this information is just swimming around in my head anyway; it might as well be useful! :D lol
lilly said:
you give good advise melissa :clap:

we are lucky to have you!! :hug:
Yep, 2nd that, she's a world of TTC knowledge, brilliant :D
Could using progresterone cream help after ov? Seem to remember someone else using it, think it might of been hollyhobby :think:
I think progesterone cream does help, but it can't solve the root of the problem (i.e. whatever's causing the shortened luteal phase). It's important to get a really good one, tho, something doctor recommended. :)

I would strongly recommend agnus castus. I had a luteal phase of 9 days and a chemical pregnancy in June 07. I spoke to my GP who was useless so I started to take agnus castus. After the 1st month of taking it my luteal phase went to 11 days, the 2nd month 13 days the 3rd month BFP! I sware if I hadn't taken it I would still be TTC.

I intend to start taking it again to regulate my cycles (all over the place after having LO) and also when we try to TTC for no 2 (not for a few years)

Lots of baby dust to you all and Good Luck. :hug: :hug:

My luteal phase was only 8 or 9 days every cycle and the difference for me was angus cactus. I bought a packet of 6 months worth online and only took them for 2 cycles before I caught.

My luteal phase first cycle stayed at 8 days, 2nd cycle I had the implantation dip at 8dpo and got a BFP at 10dpo. You can see my link to my chart on the October Chartstalkers thread.

Stay positive about the luteal phase. I thought I would have no hope of catching and I did, you only need 7 or 8 days to get implantation

Ps I was taking angus cactus and got pregnant with fraternal twins (ie 2 eggs). Not saying there is a connection but just to warn you!!!
thanks for the info. wondering if progesterone is the prob, esp after having 2 mc? hmmm the plot thickens....

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