Cycle 3 of trying


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Nov 7, 2011
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My partner and I are on our 3rd cycle of trying and are now in the 2ww. I really don't enjoy this time and every month I say I'm not going to, but I still find myself analysing every little symptom! I am such an impatient person and get so fed up each month that af arrives :wall2:
Hi Becks, I know how you feel, Nov will be our 3rd cycle too and each month I seem to have lots of symptoms then AF arrives :-( at least last month I didn't think we would be successful but you still secretly get your hopes up :-/
Fingers crossed this is your month, try not to get too stressed by it all - I really feel for those that have been trying for a while too and hope you all get your BFP's soon, positive vibes and baby dust to all !
:thanks:My cycles have been regular as clock work since coming off the pill in August, I have all the ovulation signs when I should have them etc, but still nothing, which makes me feel even more disappointed knowing my body is doing what it should be doing, yet I'm still not pregnant :wall2:I really hope this month turns out to be lucky for you too, as they say, third time lucky !!!!! FX and baby dust :dust:
this too is my 3rd cycle, tested on weekend but bfn, so if af hasnt arrived by this weekend il test again, otherwise itl be back to the drawing board for round 4

fx to you all xxxx
this too is my 3rd cycle, tested on weekend but bfn, so if af hasnt arrived by this weekend il test again, otherwise itl be back to the drawing board for round 4

fx to you all xxxx

Hope you get a :BFP:
Fx and :dust:
Chin up sweets, I'm sure our BFPs are just around the corner and we'll soon be in Tri1 together going through the trials and tribulations of pregnancy xx
ooo i hope so, what a xmas pressie that would be..would be the best one EVER!!!! xxx

I agree the 2ww is the worst thing ever. Best of luck for this month and we will both have a fab Xmas present! We are on our 2nd cycle of trying.

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