Fat ankles?!?!


Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2009
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I have noticed for the last few days that I've been suffering with swollen ankles and that my feet also are looking swollen. I take it that this is a sign of nothing more than that I need to put my feet up and rest?!
I've started getting this already :(

As you know it can also be a sign of pre-eclampsia but when I had pre-ecplampsia my ankles never went down with rest, and of course I ended up having protein and high BP as well.

Just try and put them up when you're sitting at home, preferably up on pillows and get them above waist height..xx
mine are terrible o/h says they look like they have been pulled out of the river lol.
I think mine is just walking too much I can press them and it takes a good 5 mins for the spot I pressed to come back up.
mw wants to see me again wed coz my blood pressure was a little high last wk along with my fat feet and ankles but I dont think its much for me to worry about they have been like it since I hit the 30 wk mark.
Mine have been getting fat as well. Mostly when it's been warm and then they go down overnight. Not really been going down that much the past few days though but then been really busy.
Mine are still the normal size for now x definately rest annie! Get your feet up! x
mine have been fine but my wrists and hands are like balloons but yes it does mean rest lols although everytime i have a rest day i just get bored
ive just started with this in my feet, that my shoes are really tight after work and if i press them they stay dinted for ages after, iv found putting them either in the bath or cold water is helping the tightness so far,

I have this. Dr said that I need to get my feet above my heart! Should be easier to do now I'm on maternity leave.

Ditto what was said above, if the swelling goes down (even a little) and your BP is fine and there is no protein in your urine, is not pre-e just the extra weight and relaxed valves not allowing fluid to drain from your legs. I have found having a bath helps (not sure why).
No Swelling this time round Or time before but oh my lord my first pregnancy! I just stuck my feet up x

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I only get it slight on my feet when i've been on them for a while.

I had it real bad with my 2nd son from 30 weeks. I had to go round with slippers on everywhere.
My shoes went from a 4 to a six when I was carrying my daughter haha since have reduced and stayed at a 5 though x

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hey hun...my feet and ankles are quite bad, especially if ive been walking or standing alot. I try and remember to rub peppermint lotion before i sleep which helps alot ...circulation xx
I only get it in the left leg but asked about it today and was told to elevate where possible and pillow under my feet in bed.

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