Sore Ankles


Well-Known Member
Jun 14, 2005
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My feet and ankles have been quite swollen for the last few weeks, but now my ankles feel like they've been kicked - really sore. Is it just me, or has anyone else experienced this?

I'm seeing the doctor tomorrow and will get her to look at the swelling to confirm that it's nothing serious, but just wondered if anyone else had the same problem...
My ankles and feet swelt up when I was 5 months gone. My feet went up 2 shoe sizes they were that swollen(I'm still a size bigger now).

My ankles started hurting about 2 months before I was due. They would kill even if I touched them lightly. I was told it was due to my high blood pressure and eventually they had to start me off early.

I was worried that it might be because of high blood pressure. Up until now my blood pressure has been 'brilliant' according to the doc, but I've been under so much stress it was bound to affect me eventually!!
hi skidoo. my ankles are so swollen they are like putty. wont spring back when you prod them. ive got high blood pressure too and was told to go to hosptial alst night for monitoring, spent 6 hours there. ive got too much protein in my urine too so if your seeing midwife friday did you say, expect the fact you may have to go to hospital too. i was a bit shocked as my blood pressure had been spot on all through my pregnancy too. its coming to the end of the road now. going for a scan today to check bubs out so they might send you for 1 too?!
Thanks, I better be prepared for that then! I feel just fine apart from the ankles - albeit tired - so maybe it'll be okay, but it's good to be prepared. A scan would be nice though - always nice to see my little girl!!
thats it i feel fine too and was a bit shocked to say the least that my bp was sky high. good to go prepared anmyway. leaving for hospital now so wil post pic of my girl/boy wen i get back. still cant decide if i should find out what bubbs is?

Dont find out youve waited this long and if you find out now you'll kick yourself! Dont be impatient to know like i did! :oops:

Youve only got a few days till you find out for real!!!!

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