swollen ankles....


Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2006
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My feet , ankles and bottom part of my leg (just above ankle) are so swollen.
My ankles have been quite swollen throughout my pregnancy, but this week they are more swollen, and also the tops of my feet feel REALLY bruised and its SO painful, especially when i have to go out and wear shoes/trainers.
Is this normal? Im 39 weeks. Does anyone else have/get this?
Also when i push the skin, or lean on something it leaves a big indent for ages.
Forgot to say, i have NO other swelling to my face or hands, and have had low blood pressure throughout the pregnancy, so i dont think its serious.
x x x
as long as you have been getting it checked i wouldnt worry to much just keep your feet up as much as possible
Claire, I have exactly the same thing. My ankles are really swollen and so are my feet and even my toes now. My feet feel really bruised and the skin is shiny because it's so stretched and swollen.
I can't get any shoes on now but thankfully I've got some Puma trainers that do up with velcro and I can get those on.
It's really uncomfortable and unpleasant but as long as you are being checked regularly at the doctors and you don't have any protein in your wee and your blood pressure is ok then the swelling is just another unfortunate symptom of pregnancy.
Roll on giving birth that's what I say!

I agree to what everyone else is saying, i had the same thing with my last pregnancy and it didnt go away for a few weeks after i had Kiara .
*saulino* said:
and it didnt go away for a few weeks after i had Kiara .

Oh no! :shock: I'd been banking on them going back to normal once this baby was out!
I'm the same too.
Just this last week really.
Tried to keep it at bay by wearing my support tights.
Doesnt same to matter much if i sit and do nothing all day
or try to be fairly active.
Never mind girls nearly there :dance: :dance:
get them feet up in the air and get some coconut foot rub and get them pinkies massaged, hope your ok darlin :hug:
I didn't get this at all until just after Ryan was born. I couldn't even get my trainers on with the laces loose. Keep your feet up higher than your heart as much as possible.
Thankyou for your replies girls.
I have been trying to put my feet up, but because the baby is 'back to back' at the moment ive been told to sit up straight and keep active etc :roll:
I know how you feel about not being able to put your shoes on, i think putting socks on are far worse though!!
x x x
i had the same hun dont worry unless you get really itchy

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