faint line


Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2005
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I just read Lindsays message & thought I'd take a chance on testing early. No due till Sat. Thought it would b goin straigh in bin. I've got a very faint line in positive window. Very very faint can this really be happenin? I feel like crying , feel ecstatic then I keep pinching myself. I didnt think I was ever goin to get preganant again. Can this be it? Would there be anything if I wasn't pregnant ? Am I jumpin the gun?Oh God, please God let this be it.
Lorrie :o :o :o
omg lorrie thats fantastic news a line is a line hun have you got more tests if so do another one first thing in the morning to put your mind at rest but it sounds like congratulations might be in order :D :D :D
Congratulations Lorrie - as Rach says, a line is a line.

Didn't stop me doing 5 tests when I got my BFP though LOL! Anyway CONGRATULATIONS - I hope this is it for you and that everything goes well.

WOW! CONGRATULATIONS Lorrie, that sounds really positive (geddit - positive LOL!)
Like Rach said, I'd test again in the morning. Good Luck.
It looks like we're having a june babies surge! :D
Sam xx
Hi Lorrie

CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know exactly how you are feeling emotions wise, but a line is a line - I have done 3 tests in 2 days and they all say the same :D :D

I am delighted for you - well done!!

Wow, a late surge in the June babies club.

Congratulations Lorrie, you must be over joyed!! :D
Thanks girls it's still sinkin in. I've no more tests in Rachel I'll buy a few tomorrow.I still keep thinkin it's faulty, r I'm seeing things. My af due Sat & I'm so used to disappointment keep thinkin it will come. Would you believe I just started bck drinkin after nearly year & half & had started to do bit walkin. I had 3 glasses wine Sat nite with food & third one I could have taken or left it. My boobs feel bit more achy than usual.Skin a bit aggravated. They all seem like signs. Oh & I feel fat no hope of me losin weight now.Not that I care.Fingers crossed xxxx :lol: :lol:
lorrie im sure everything will be fine hun i was the same when i got a bfp at just over 3 weeks pg did about 13 tests all together lol :oops: and lindsay is same cos shes only 3 weeks think its really hard to believe until you actually miss af then you can start enjoying it :D :D :D
ooh all this company in the june babies and theres me thinking i was going to be all alone xxxxxxx
Congratulations!!!! Be sure to let us know when you test again!!
Keeping everything crossed for you!!!

xoxo Ree
Thanks Rachel it will be great to be with all the same girls wont it!!I did another test today at lunchtime it showed a faint positive, bought a pk of two so no doubt I will do another 1 on Friday/Sat. It just wont sink in , I just cant accept it. Sorry i'm probably driving you all mad aswell as myself.
Good luck to all those yet to test & hoping for BFP next mth. Baby dust to you all xxxx
Lorrie :lol:
nice ticker you need now lorrie :D :D :D :D :D
Hi Rachel I'm a hopeless case. I'll wait a couple of days before I do my new ticker :lol: :lol:

FAB news... a faint line is still a + result.. false positives don't often happen and if youve had 2 tests thats confirmed it.. how very exciting.. so happy for you.

The lines are probably faint cos you are not due yet.. as you get closer to AF due date the lines will get darker...

keep us posted and get yourself over to the June club!!!
Hi lorrie
I've just read your post for me on another thread thank you so much.
I know what you mean about not believing it until AF due date has come and go, I'm also worried because I get ovarian cysts after ovulation (there causing me alittle discomfort at the mo) and I no that they can sometimes cause false positives although if AF doesn't come then I don't really have to worry. I've still made an appointment with my GP and will mention this to her especially as the discomfort is in both sides instead of just the one, so I could have ovulated twice this month.

good luck to everyone that have got there BFP's and all those still TTc ***Babydust*** to all
Thanks Anne marie & Suz
Very nervous. Like you Suz I got ovarian cysts before. They were there when I lost my baby.They went themselves in one cycle. Bu i'm afraid to get hopes up this time in case thats reason for positive result. Roll on Friday hey!!!
It aint easy bein a woman :lol:
Hi again Lorrie,
How's things goin for you,
Well after 3 positive tests and now half way through my af due date without any sign of it, it's finally starting to sink in.
My the discomfort from my cysts has now subsided so I think my BFP are for real yey.

I can't quite believe that I got pregnant so quickly,
lucks like were joining Rach in the june baby club
:D Congratulations Suz!!
You must be over the moon!
That June Baby Cub is filling up!, it's seems everyones getting their BFP at the mo.
Leave some room for me in there! I will hopefully joining you in a couple of weeks! Fingers (and toes) crossed!
Congrats again, hope you have a great 9 months!
Sam xxx

CONGRATULATIONS.... So So Happpppy for you! Has it sunk in yet?

Hi Suz
I have done 3 tests over last couple days also. What r we like?Went to doc this eve she confirmed it. She said either I'm pregnant from mthg. before or I ovulated early highly likely cause due af today & bd day 8 of cycle. Sending me for an early scan to confirm dates & put my mind at rest.Soo Congratulations to us !!!!! :lol: :lol:
Still sinkin in though.Hayley hope you get your bfp soon. I thought I'd never get here either but your mth is comin soon.How you gettn on with that lot in wrk.
Thanks every1 here for all the support since my m/c & while trying ttc. Babydust to you all. Please say lots of prayers all us June lot have happy healthy pregnancies xxx 8)

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