Faint line on First response anyone used this test??

Come on Maybe Baby, Lets see that CBD BFP!!! xxxxxx
Hi Jody!

Don't laugh but I had to pee in the night and I couldn't get to sleep properly until about 3am

so I'm trying to wait an hour or so so its stronger- am I crazy??

I guess I'm must be a bit scared of a BFN....

Will keep you posted though xx
LOL Maybe baby, that is just the sort of thing I would do LOL, you're not a Virgo are you? I'm hanging on.........................
Dont forget NOT to drink anything while you are waiting to pee xxxx
Thanks Jody, no I won't drink, I'll try and wait as long as poss!!

Missed this last night :O Congratulations, thats definately pregnant!!
Hi Everyone!

Just done the Clear blue Diggi and all is confirmed! I'm pregnant 1-2 weeks!

Thanks so much for all your help and support yesterday, and massive amounts of babydust to everyone! xxx


BRILLIANT News!!!!!! HUGE congrats to you both!!!!:bfp::bfp::bfp::pompom::pompom::pompom::pompom: xxxxxxx
Thanks Jody!!

Was so nervous testing again I was shaking!!

Really happy though! xx
Hi Everyone!

Just done the Clear blue Diggi and all is confirmed! I'm pregnant 1-2 weeks!

Thanks so much for all your help and support yesterday, and massive amounts of babydust to everyone! xxx


Whooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
so stoked for you!!!
Thanks Darlin!

Do let me know how you get on tomorrow- Good luck xx
Thanks Shauna!

Hope you're 2WW is ok and best of luck for testing!! xx

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